First Day UA (Chapter 12)

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It has been two weeks ever since the entrance exam ended and me and Itsuka has broke the record with me being the current holder with around 223 points while Itsuka stood at 211 points making All Might score of 152 points look like a joke.

Thankfully Uncle Aizawa and Uncle Nezu chose to do our results instead of All Might himself since from what they told me, he suspects me of working with a 200 year old villain named AFO, It's such a disappointment that they symbol of peace is driven by hate that he can't think clearly. Of course my mother was informed about what happened via Itsuka and she was planning to walk to there home and turn it into a bloodbath but luckily Itachi and Sasuke stopped her from doing anything extreme but If I have to say something I am extremely lucky and grateful to have her as a mother.

Today is my first day at UA and despite my stoic expression I was excited after all it was my dream of becoming a hero in a school that pumped hero like Endeavor and Best Jeanist both of those pros are heroes I strive to become unlike All Might who is brawn but no brains, Today I didn't have Itsuka since she was home preparing herself mentally she might be the strongest with her strength being extremely terrifying but she also has her worries, I just wish I was there to cheer her up but knowing her she will be ready.

Today is my first day at UA and despite my stoic expression I was excited after all it was my dream of becoming a hero in a school that pumped hero like Endeavor and Best Jeanist both of those pros are heroes I strive to become unlike All Might wh...

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I head outside my room to see Amaterasu which is Shisui girlfriend she became part of our family just like me and Itsuka, It was honestly hilarious seeing the great Shisui the teleporter being filled with fear towards his Girlfriend she was loved by our mother since she knew how to handle an Uchiha since it was because of our stoic and tenacious nature that we sometimes need filter and what better than a strong women the likes of Itsuka, Amaterasu, Sakura and Mikoto to keep us in line. They might not be stronger than us but just a glare was enough to get the point across you should've seen Shisui he was extremely addicted to the video games but now he hardly play, his room that once messy was now organized and he can't leave the house or even the room itself without having to go through a routine everyday.

I sat down on the floor with Mother saying- Hello Izuku, today is your first day at UA! I smiled and said- Yeah! I look forward to see who are my classmate I hope they are not stuck up. Itachi chuckled and said- Back in our days it was the other way around! I nod as I understood that we Uchiha were quite known back then and we were quite stuck up since our Kekkei Genkai was quite powerful compared to any other Kekkei Genkai. This comment made Sasuke Chuckle as he said- I remember being told that by Naruto! Mother than said- That's why we are here to keep you men in line. We shivered but we smiled with Sasuke saying- Thank you mother! Mother than said- No problem my little baby! Sasuke blushed in embarrassment no matter how many times he asked her to not call him baby she doesn't budge. I then stood up not before washing my hands and teeth I said- Good Bye! I will be leaving to UA now. Mom nod her head as she stood up to give me a hug and adjust my blazer and said- You look like a handsome young man! I smiled and said- Thanks mother! I then walked out of the door and went towards Itsuka house ringing the bell I was met with Itsuka who was fiddling with her clothes nervously which I understood why, you don't get to go to the top hero school everyday so you are always concerned about your appearance. Izuku sigh as he brought the distress Itsuka into a tight hug and said- Why are you worried! Itsuka said- Aren't you nervous! Izuku said- A little, but I know we can do well after all we are top students with top scored no bragging. Itsuka calmed down and said- I just don't know if I look good! Itsuka was always conscious about her physique but just a kiss from my part was enough to melt her doubt I said- never doubt yourself Itsu, I love you the way you are if they decide to mess with you I will beat them although you don't need it since it will require a flick of a finger and the fight is over. She chuckle before she playfully punched me on the shoulder which was not enough to hurt me and said- You always had a way with word Izu! I smiled and said- Now let's go Itsu, we don't want to hear Iida ranting about being late! Itsuka than had an image of Iida doing hand chop at the speed of light she shuddered and said- Yeah, you are right let's go! They both left together and went to the train station together they knew Iida will be there early since he told them.

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