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I loved being by myself in the library. It was my favorite way to escape the world. I could just pick up a book and become completely engulfed in the story.

I walked in and immediately felt relaxed. I walked through the shelves, scanning for anything that might interest me. When I walked by Romeo and Juliet I grabbed it and found a spot to start reading. They loved each other so much, even when everyone told them not to.

"Hey.." I looked up and saw Corbyn watching me.

"Oh hey..." I smiled and put the book down beside me. "How'd you know I was here?"

"Actually, I asked Daniel if he had any ideas. He said he knows you used to spend a lot of time in the library... I just thought I'd come check on you. Practice starts soon." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm fine." I smiled and got up. "Let's head out there." I placed the book back on the shelf. Corbyn was always there for me. We hadn't known each other very long, but he was very quickly becoming someone very important to me.

"You don't have to be fine ya know? You're allowed to feel hurt. Someone you care about betrayed you..." he said as we walked out of the library.

"It's okay. I'm used to disappointment." I sighed and we continued walking to practice in silence. I didn't want to talk or think about Zach anymore.

"Okay guys. Today I'm going to name your captain. There won't be an evening practice today I'm going to give you guys a break. You've been busting your butts all week." Corbyn looked at me and winked. I smiled back. When I looked over Zach was watching me and my smile faded.

"So the varsity captain is going to be.... Zach Herron." Coach announced. A bunch of the guys cheered and walked over giving Zach fistbumps and high fives. Even Corbyn congratulated him. Coach went over a few things with the team and they ran a few drills before calling off practice for the day.

I checked my phone and saw a text from my best friend Becca. She had been gone all summer with her family. She was coming back today. I quickly got my stuff and ran back to the school.

I didn't even bother to wait for the guys to get my table together. I was so excited my best friend was finally home!

"Ahhh Becca!" I squealed.

"Macy!! I missed you!" We hugged.

"You've got so much to tell me missy!"

I sighed. "Yes. So much! Where's your car?!"

"I had mom drop me off. I figured we'd just walk back to your house like usual." She shrugged.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys. But I'm looking for someone. Could you help me?" Becca and I both turned and saw a brunette standing behind us.

"Sure. Who are you looking for?" I answered.

"My boyfriend. Corbyn Besson."

❛ I WANT TO BE THE ONE ❜ | CMBWhere stories live. Discover now