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Thursday morning practice went by fairly quickly. Corbyn didn't come and talk to me like he normally has and Zach has seemed a little distant lately. He barely talks to me before practice and he didn't say anything before leaving for lunch. Luckily I rode my bike today so I wasn't stranded.

This afternoon, coach was going to run the boys harder than normal and make his decision on who to be the captain this year. He hadn't been telling me much, but I feel like Zach and Corbyn are neck and neck. They both busted their butts on the field. Zach had a reputation to protect and Corbyn had to prove himself. I honestly have no idea who the coach will choose.

When I got home I got a text from Zach.

Sorry if I seemed out of it today.
I'm just trying to focus on
football and make sure i'm
captain this year.

It's ok... I get it.

Has coach said
anything to you today?

Nope. I think he's gonna
make his final decision
after afternoon practice today.

Gotcha. See you at
practice beautiful!!

I decided to head back to school a little early to get everything set up before the team got there. Tonight was going to be a long night and I wanted to be prepared.

Corbyn got there shortly after I did. He walked over and asked if I needed help.

"No I think I'm okay. Are you ready for tonight?" I ask without looking up. Things felt so weird between us.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" he chuckled.

"Hey babe." Zach came up.

"Hey." I said, trying not to sound startled. We weren't doing anything wrong so I don't know why I felt bad.

"See ya Macy." Corbyn mumbled and walked away.

"Why was he talking to you? Doesn't he understand by now?" Zach scoffed. "Did he ask you what coach was thinking? Did he want to see the binder?"

"Oh my gosh. Zach, he hasn't asked me a damn thing about these stupid binders or what Coach might be thinking! The only person who's been drilling me about Coach has been you! So just stop it! Leave Corbyn alone!" I ranted. I can't believe I just said that to Zach Herron I was proud of myself for finally dying what was in my mind, but boy was I shocked.

"Macy... I'm sorry." He took a step towards me and I stepped back.

"Look, just go warm up. I'm not in the mood for this right now."

Zach's head dropped, but he walked away. He walked over to some other guys who had showed up and they started doing stretches. I was watching all they guys, taking notes in my head. Jack and Jonah were standing near Zach. They had been best friends since middle school. To my surprise, Daniel was standing with Corbyn. Daniel had always been a part of the Zach/Jack/Jonah group. I'm glad someone on the team was being nice to Corbyn.

Coach arrived and practice immediately started. He had the boys run laps and run some practice plays. You could tell he was really studying the boys. Taking mental notes of the way they ran, who caught the best, who tackles the best, and who was the best team player.

After practice a few boys helped me with my tables and binders and moved them back into the school. When we go there the cheerleaders has just finished practice. I saw Kay standing with some of her friends close to my locker. She was telling them something that must have been interesting because they were hanging onto every word.

"I just feel sorry for her honestly." I could hear her say as I got to my locker. "She has not idea that he was just using her from the beginning."

I tried to pretend like I wasn't listening, but I really wanted to know who and what they were talking about.

"He got her the coach's assistant gig so she could be on the inside. He even made the poor girl think she had a chance to date him. Then when I dumped him yesterday before his morning practice, he ran to her to try and make me jealous. He even asked me if he could come over last night." She was laughing telling the story and the tears started forming in my eyes. It was a lie. It couldn't be true. He wouldn't do that to me... or would he.

I turned to run away when I saw them... both standing there. Zach looked horrified. He knew he had been caught. Corbyn looked mad, but concerned. He took a step towards me and reached out. I fell into his arms and he hugged me.

"Macy... listen." Zach started.

"Stay away from me!" I pulled away from Corbyn and looked Zach dead in the eye. At this point the tears had escaped. "Don't ever talk to me again!" I turned back to Corbyn who still looked just as concerned. "Can you please take me home?"

"Of course. Let's go." He grabbed my hand and started leading me out of the school.

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