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Tryouts were 2 people a day for the rest of the week until school started back. I live about 2 miles from school so I planned to ride my bike there and back, but last night Zach told me we were going out to lunch since we didn't get much alone time.

I was so excited I could barely sleep. I got up and got ready quickly. I decided to run to school today. Since Zach was taking me out, he could just bring me back here to get my bike before afternoon tryouts.

The run to school was peaceful. The weather wasn't too hot. When I got there Zach was already pulling in (he's always late).

"Hey!" he said as I was walking by. I looked to see if there was anyone else around.

"Oh hey." I smiled.

"I've missed you." he smiled back. We walked into school together and he put his arm around me. I didn't realize how much I'd been craving his touch until then.

"I've missed you too. Ready for tryouts today?"

"Yeah I guess. I just hope that new kid stays out of my way." he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure he's not trying to get in your way. He's new. He just wants somewhere to fit in." I tried to calm him down.

"Has coach said anything to you?" he looked at me curiously.

"Nope. You've only had one practice." We heard a door close and looked down the hall to see who it was. You guessed it, Corbyn.

"I've got to go. See you at lunch." Zach winked at me as he headed to the locker room. I turned back to my locker and started grabbing my supplies for tryouts.

"Hey!" I heard someone say behind me. I turned and Corbyn was standing there.

"Hi." I replied and turned back to my locker.

"So um, you ready for today?" he asked nervously.

"I think the better question is are you ready for today." With that I closed my locker leaving him standing there. I could feel his eyes still on me as I made my way down the hall.

Coach was tough on the boys today. More than 5 people had to stop to throw up. I felt really bad for them. When coach announced that practice was done for the morning, we all headed back towards the school. I put all my binders up and waited on Zach, but none other than Corbyn decided to walk up to me.

"Hey." he smiled

"Hi." I said dryly. Could this guy not take a hint.

"Looks like it's gonna rain. I bet the afternoon practice is gonna get canceled.

"Yeah you're probably right." I really hoped so. That would mean I could spend more time with Zach.

"I saw you running this morning. Do you run often?"He noticed me...?

"Yeah I try to. I like to do it to clear my head." I tried to peak around Corbyn to watch for Zach. He wouldn't like it that I was standing around talking to Corbyn. His new nemesis. At that time my phone buzzed. It was a text from Zach. He'd canceled on lunch with no explanation.

Then I saw Zach walking around the corner with his hand on Kay's back. He turned to look at me and just shrugged. Corbyn saw the look on my face and looked behind him. Zach had almost an angry look on his face when he saw Corbyn with me. Good. It's good to be a little jealous.

"Well I've got to go." I slammed my locker and walked off. I walked outside to start my stretches so I could run home.

"I could drive you if you want." Corbyn walked beside me. Does this guy ever give up?

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