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I tried not to stare at Zach and Kay making out a few lockers down, but when I saw his hand slide down to her waist, I slammed my locker and stormed off. No one seemed to notice. If you weren't a cheerleader or on the football team, no one seemed to notice you, lucky for me. I absolutely hated being the center of attention.

So let me give you a little background information. My name is Macy Williams. I'm a senior at Hamilton High. I've always gotten good grades and I plan on going to college to be an english teacher. I've never been a popular girl. I don't want to be. The only thing I want is the popular boy. Zach Herron. He's going to be captain of the football team this year. I never thought he would notice me. Then this summer we ended up working in a local diner together. We spent a lot of time together this summer. My dad was always gone with work so it was just me. Zach and I grew closer. He even asked me to be his girlfriend, but no one knows. At least not right now. It's all part of Zach's plan. He is planning on getting into an Ivy League School, but to do that he has to check all the right boxes. Good grades, captain of the football team, homecoming king.

I'm sure your asking yourself if he's my boyfriend then why the heck is he making out with Kay Cook...? Well that's part of the homecoming king plan. She's the head cheerleader. She's going to help him secure the title. They just had to let everyone see them together and then once homecoming was over they would be done. That was the deal.

He had convinced me to help out with the football team. That's why I'm here on a Saturday before school even starts. I help the coach keep everything organized and if I'm being honest I don't know what he did before I came along. Zach told me this could help us spend a little extra time together and watching him get all hot and sweaty playing football was just a bonus.

School starts next week and I just had to survive watching my secret boyfriend make out with his fake girlfriend until homecoming. I could handle that. Right?

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