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"No thanks. I need the exercise." I said and I jogged away. I know he was just being nice, but I didn't want to upset Zach. I don't want to mess up the plan. Just another month and a half and homecoming would be over. I can do that.

I could feel the stress leave my body as I was running home. I made it about one mile before I felt the first raindrop. Crap. I tried to quicken my pace, hoping to make it home before it started pouring. I could already see the dark clouds moving in.

Not even 2 minutes after I felt the first raindrop did it start to pour. I groaned and continued running. I heard a truck pull up beside my, slowing down.

"Sure you don't want a ride?" I turned my head and the ever persistent Corbyn Besson was driving.

I stopped and figured it was only another mile. What could it hurt? "Fine." He pushed the passenger door open and I climbed in.

"Here." he reaches behind the seat and pull out a sweatshirt. "You can wear this if you want."

"Thanks." I took it and smiled. He really was a nice guy.

"Told you it was gonna rain." he teased.

"You were right." I tried not to sound too annoyed. I tried not to think about Zach hanging out with Kay and the rain ruining my run. "You'll take a right on the next road in about 1/2 a mile."

"Okay. So I have a question."

"Okay?" I was hesitant, but I was in his truck, couldn't exactly say no.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" I felt myself tense.

"Zach" Shoot. He saw us.

"What do you mean?" I tried to remain calm. The last person who needed to know about us was Zach's number 1 enemy.

"He only pays attention to you when he thinks no one is looking. I may have only been here a few days, but even I know you deserve better than that." He never stopped looking at the road. He turned right onto my street.

"Turn left and then it's a dirt drive." I explained. "And you don't know what your talking about. Zach is just my friend."

"He was awfully close to you this morning just to be your friend."

"Listen Corbyn, I know your new here and you're just trying to figure everyone and everything out, but mind your own business." I got out of the truck almost immediately once he pulled up to my house and slammed the door. I walked up to the door and opened the screen door. I kept fumbling me keys trying to keep the screen door open and avoid the downpour. I felt the screen door move and looked up. "I've got it thanks." I said dryly. I finally got my key in the door and opened it.

"I'm sorry. It's not my place to say anything. You're right." I could tell he really meant it but it looked like he had more to say.

"Okay..." I said when he didn't say anything else. "Well I'll see you at tryouts tomorrow.

"I can give you a ride tomorrow if you want." He could see the hesitation on my face. "Come on. I owe you for me putting my nose where it doesn't belong." he stuck out his bottom lip causing me to giggle and roll my eyes.

"Fine. I'll see you in the morning." I smiled and closed the door.

What the heck just happened...?

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