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When Zach texted me and told me that we couldn't hang out again, I was so mad. I got up to the next morning. I put on a regular oversized t-shirt and shorts, but today I decided to wear a little extra makeup so Zach knew exactly what he was missing.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door where Corbyn was waiting for me beside the passenger door. He opened it for me as I walked up.

"Hey!" he said chipperly. He was obviously a morning person.

"Hey!" I smiled and he closed the door once I got settled.

"You look nice." he said before backing out of the driveway.

"Thank you!" I said triumphantly. If Corbyn, who I've known for like 5 mins noticed, then Zach definitely would.

"Well actually you always look nice..." he said, nervously.
"Oh... thanks"

Corbyn put some music and we rode the 2 miles to school in silence. When we pulled up I felt my stomach drop. Zach was already there. He never beats me too school. How was I gonna explain Corbyn driving me to school?!

"You okay?" Corbyn asked.

"Um yeah.." I quickly started to grab my things hoping Zach wouldn't see us together.

"You know he has a girlfriend right?" Corbyn's voice had turned cold.

"I know he does." I couldn't even look Corbyn in the eye. I couldn't tell him about the plan, but I didn't want him to think I'm some horrible home wrecker. I got out of the truck and started walking inside. Crap. Zach was watching me walk in.

"Hey! Macy wait up!" Zach called behind me.

"Oh, hey" I was trying to sound calm. Maybe he wouldn't say anything.

"What the hell was that!!" Well that was wishful thinking.

"What?" I asked.

"Seriously. You were riding with him. He's trying to steal my spot on the team and now he's giving you rides? Was he asking about the team? I bet he's trying to get close to you for information." Zach held my bag as I was putting stuff in my locker.

"Hmf." I scoffed. His comment about Corbyn really rubbed me in the wrong way.

"What? I don't like the guy." Zach shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm sure the only reason he would ever talk to me is to get information about the team. Thanks a lot Zach." I slammed my locker closed and walked away leaving Zach behind.

I was setting up the binders and getting everything ready for coach when I heard someone walk up behind me.

"Need any help?" Corbyn asked. I smiled when I turned around and saw him.

"I think she's good." Zach said from behind me. I turned around and he was standing there, his arms crossed.

"I didn't ask you, did I?" Corbyn said calmly.

"Well I'm answering for her. She doesn't need your help." I was incredibly uncomfortable. I've never been in this position before. I wasn't really sure what to do. Corbyn was looking at me, waiting for me to speak up, but I never did. I just kept looking at the ground.

"I'll see you later Macy." Corbyn said and started to walk away but Zach kept going.

"How about you don't. I know you're new and all. I get you're trying to get a name for yourself and find your spot but you can't have mine. So back off."

Corbyn walked up to Zach very calmly. "Look Zach. I have not intention of coming here and messing up your perfect little world. You can have your spot. I have something else I'm interested in." I almost fell over right there. Corbyn was looking directly at me.

a/n: Hey guys!! Sorry for not posting for a while. I've been extremely busy with school. I'll start posting more often cuz I have more time now. PLEASE VOTE!! It would mean a lot to me <3

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