2: Who is This Kid?

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Eraserhead hadn't expected the glass after he erased the poor kid's quirk. Most of the forcefield had just disappeared but the last bits to leave had turned to glass and shattered. At least without the cloudiness of the bubble he could get a good look at the kid.

The two teenagers that had assaulted him were already being hauled away by police so all that was left was to see if the kid needed an ambulance. 'Well that answers the question' the underground hero thought as he knelt down to look at the kid. His nose didn't look broken but it was bleeding a lot. He already had some bandages on his cheek and neck, 'probably from previous run ins with these guys', Eraser thought but returned his focus to the boy. 

He was breathing, albeit heavily and the pro hero couldn't tell if he had anything else wrong with his face, there was too much blood. Another injury that soon made itself known was a stab wound. The hero had tried to sit the barely awake teen up but he screamed in pain when Eraserhead tried. Scratch that, two stab wounds. This just got a lot more serious. "Make sure an ambulance is on its way, he's going to need immediate medical attention." He told one of the police officers at the scene. 

Suddenly, the nearly catatonic boy started to shake, sending him falling into Eraserhead's arms. Apart from the blood now being smeared on his hero costume, the hero was alerted to the fact the boy was crying. "It's alright, they're gone already." he comforted awkwardly as the ambulance siren became louder. 

---- ---- ---- 

Nao couldn't handle it. There were too many people, too many noises, too much blood. Someone approached him and the man wearing black in the alley and in a panic he put a bubble up around them. Tears poured down his face as he realized what he had done. 'I'm not allowed to use my quirk! I'm fucking stupid. They'll send me to jail this time for sure' He panicked. 

The teen tried desperately tried to move around so he could face and apologize to the man he had trapped with him, but all that came out was a gargled "'M sorry." and some thrashing. Somehow that made the man hold him closer to his chest. The confusion and pain that shot through Nao caused the bubble to instantly harden and shatter into thin glass fragments all around them. 

"I've never seen a quirk like that before." the man said before readjusting where Nao was leaning on him. "You're going to the hospital, okay?" he asked. Nao managed to nod just before the man stood up with the teen in his arms. His vision became unfocused as more voices filled his ears. A forcefield enveloped them, or it should have. Even with his heart racing and his brain failing Nao could tell that although he had tried to use it, nothing had happened. What was wrong with him? 

"I'll have to accompany you. Like this he's liable to cover himself up and bleed out." The man told someone as Nao's limp body was laid down on a stretcher. Somehow through his swimming thought he could make sense of the situation. He was in an ambulance, going to the hospital. What he didn't understand is why the man had pulled away from him now that he was lying down. The teen gurgled out a whine and reached for the black figure, who he now could see had really pale skin. 

The man sighed and took Nao's hand, holding it until he was rushed into the emergency department. 

---- ---- ---- ---- 

Aizawa had gotten the call the next morning at around 10 am. It was a favor for a long time friend who needed him in the hospital closest to U.A. They had a patient who they had deemed to not need quirk suppressing cuffs that had woken up and created a forcefield around himself when a nurse approached him. He knew the moment they said that who they were talking about. 

As he got a ride to the hospital the images of last night played in his mind. There was so much blood and he was so young. After all, Aizawa himself was only a break away from teaching his own class of young people just around his age. It hit home. 

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