10: Are You There? Part 3

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When Nao came to, it was dark. He didn't know where he was and all he knew was he needed to find someone. He didn't fully understand why or who, but he knew he needed them.

Present Mic had only been gone from Nao's side for five minutes when he got up to walk the halls. Softly he called out something the voice hero could barely hear. With curiosity, he watched silently as Nao moved down the hallway. Yamada was pretty sure Nao was sleep walking or something so he didn't want to accidentally wake him up, apparently that was a bad thing. 

Moonlight leaked into the hallway of the hero ward from the window at the end. Like this Nao's hair looked even paler, almost white. He had such a determined expression as he shuffled down the corridor. Mic quickened his pace to catch up with the boy. 

"Dad..." He mumbled as he walked forward. Yamada's heart stopped. He had been told about Nao's situation. Aizawa had made a point of not bringing up parents too often in class because of it. Unfortunately in his half conscious state Nao must have forgotten what happened. "Where are you?".

Nao's voice was so soft and broken. It took everything in Yamada's power not to hug the teen and tell him he'd be okay. First he needed to asses the situation and take Nao back to bed. Technically it wasn't bad for Nao to be walking, Recovery Girl had healed his foot, but walking around a hospital at night just wasn't ideal. Plus, Yamada himself had been up all night and could use some sleep. 

"Dad." Nao called out, louder this time. He brushed his messy bangs out of his face and his eyes travelled to the bandages on his hands. They were taking a while to heal up still, the cuts were extremely deep. 'He's lucky his hands came out alright' Yamada thought. "Dad? Please." Nao mumbled. As he reached the end of the hallway Yamada decided to intervene before he could take the elevator to another floor. 

Carefully he tapped Nao on the shoulder to get his attention. To his surprise, Nao turned around quickly. "Yamada..." He muttered groggily. The pro hero smiled and put his arm around Nao's shoulder. 

"C'mon kid, I'll take you back to bed." He said with a smile. Nao didn't look like he understood as he shook Yamada's hand off. "Can't" He said, so softly it was almost a whisper again "Gotta find dad.". 

The voice hero's heart nearly shattered. "Nao your parents aren't here. You're hurt you should go back to bed." He tried again. Nao shook his head and stared at the elevator. "I'll keep looking. M'gonna find him." He said, sounding a little more awake. 

It was Mic's turn to shake his head sadly and guide the teen back to his hospital room. He wished Shota had told him about the sleepwalking and how he normally deals with it. Honestly the hero was making up strategies as he went along. He didn't know what worked for Nao. "Yamada, help me look..." The boy said, staring back at the window as they walked back. 

"I'll help you tomorrow, okay kiddo? Lets just get you back to bed." He hoped the backlighting from the moon was enough to obscure his expression. The pro hero didn't want to worry Nao with his sad expression, the teen and the rest of his class had been through enough already. They reached the room and Yamada practically carried Nao back into his hospital bed. 

"Yamada..." Nao started "Help me find...dad.". The voice hero pushed the teen's bangs out of his face and shut the door "You'll know where.". 

"Why don't you tell me about him instead?" He suggested, fully prepared to cry. Nao nodded shakily and began. "He's really nice." The teen said, a smile gracing his face "Takes really good care of me. But..he's gone. I lost him." He added, sounding dejected. "Don't remember how but...couldn't find him.". 

Yamada's heart seized up again and he noticed a few tears fall down Nao's cheeks. "What about other things?" He suggested "Do you look like your dad Nao?". Hopefully the questions would get too hard and Nao would either wake up or fall asleep. He didn't like the state of distraught limbo the boy was in. 

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