30: Why Are They Like That?

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Nakabayashi Nao was suffering from an acute mental breakdown. Had he been focused on hero work so long he had forgotten other emotions existed? 

No matter how hard he tried to forget something about how Bakugou looked during that heroics class was...nice? It was embarrassing just to think about. Why was his immediate reaction to notice how handsome he was? Maybe it was just because he was used to the explosive teen shouting and sneering. Yep. That had to be it. Besides, Midoriya and Todoroki were quite handsome as well, he was surrounded by them! I can't be just a Bakugou thing!

"Nao, are you alright? You're looking a little distracted." Midoriya said, tapping the boy on the shoulder and breaking him out of the daze. Truth be told no one was more concerned about the situation than Izuku. He was really worried that he was watching one of his best friends fall in love with his...childhood friend? Rival? Whatever Kacchan was now. 

"I'm good Izuku! Just tired, we all woke up crazy early this morning." Nao said with a smile as he finished taping the banner up on their end. Was Izuku maybe hanging around Nao more often just to make sure Bakugou didn't get too close? Maybe. Could you blame the guy though? After what Bakugou had said to him when Midoriya didn't even want to be in the same room as him the green haired boy couldn't imagine how it would feel to have someone you like say that to you. But did Nao actually like Bakugou? See, that's why he was so concerned. 

"Midoriya! Nakabayashi!" Kirishima called from across the stage "We're gonna run through the whole show once more so get to your starting points!". Quickly Nao jumped off the stool he was standing on and dragged it off stage. He took his place right beside Tsu and waited for the band to start up for the final rehearsal. 

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Nao normally didn't have problems performing in front of people. In fact, he had given several speeches for his classical japanese classes in middle school. It was usually the beating and mockery he received afterwards that was the problem. But now no one was going to beat him up and if their performance couldn't reach the audience everyone would think 1-A was full of selfish assholes. 

The lights in the gym had already gone down and there were only a few more minutes before the band took the stage. For the entire build up to the performance Nao had felt like his life had changed genres all of a sudden. He didn't think hero training would have anything to do with being on stage. 

"Damn these are annoying!" "Is Midoriya back yet?" "Does anyone have a hair elastic?". The teen chuckled a little bit at how chill his classmates looked and how anxious they sounded.

"Bet your glad I stopped you from making us wear..." Nao shivered "clown costumes.". Mina laughed and Hagakure just sighed. "I liked those!" She groaned. The whole dance group laughed at that. It was a bullet dodged and although she had a nice sense of style on her own, they should never let Hagakure pick their outfits again. 

"Alright!" Jiro said, walking over to them with the rest of the band in toe "Lets do this!". Everyone put their hands in the circle with the obvious exclusion of Bakugou. Nao saw this and did what was natural, grab his hand and force it into the pile. 

Realization dawned on him and Nao's cheeks went bright red as he opened his mouth to apologize. Before he could though Jiro had already started the cheer. "Go beyond," She shouted with a smile.


The stage lights hit and Bakugou's explosions rang in Nao's ears. Past the bright lights of the stage he could barely see the audience but he knew they were there. With a bright smile he spun on his heels and started the choreography.

When it came time for all the special effects Nao's smile only widened. He turned to Mina who grinned right back at him. Quickly he rushed towards the audience, taking the pink girl's hands. With one swift motion he flung the girl into the audience and held his arms out. Quick time bubbles appeared beneath her feet allowing her to run all the way to touch Aoyama. 

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