23: Is This Real?

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"Your class is all first years right? They'll struggle with this part." Ms. Joke said, leaning back in her chair as she watched the instructions flash on multiple screens. Aizawa nodded.

"They have much less experience with this, especially with how self defense oriented this year has been." He explained "But I think there will be a few exceptions.". The smile hero looked intrigued. She had known Eraserhead for a long time now and she knew most of his behavior patterns but something was different. Maybe it was because they were his first class of first years but Emi thought there had to be something else. When he thought she wasn't looking he would crane his neck, searching the battleground for someone and he kept glancing behind him when they announced the second round. It was normal to expect some students to fail, but he looked nervous every time he turned. 

Something about it was just a little bit too emotional to be the usual Eraserhead. Unfortunately, the second round was starting up so she had to focus on the rescue portion. 

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"Help! Help!". 

It sounded like a child and it immediately caught Nao's attention. He turned away from the entrance to the exam and charged off towards the noise. 

Standing on top of a piece of rubble was a little girl who looked pretty scraped up. She saw him and cried harder, calling out for her parents. Nao quickly walked over and picked her up and off the potentially dangerous piece of metal. "Hi! I'm here to help you out." Nao said with a soft smile.

"I can't find my mom and dad!" The little girl wailed. Nao then noticed a fairly bad wound on her elbow as she brought her hand to her face to wipe the tears away. "Okay, I'll find them for you. Where did you see them last?" Nao asked. 

"There was a big explosion and then I couldn't find them!" She sobbed "I want my mommy!". Nao big his lip but stopped the moment he noticed the little girl was staring at him. 'They're testing you, stay calm' he told himself before crouching down to the girl's level. 

"Don't worry. I have to take you somewhere safe first though. Do you want to show me your elbow? I have some cool band aids!". 

The girl stopped crying and looked up at Nao as he pulled a box of hero themed band aids out of one of the many pockets on his jumpsuit. She stayed calm as he put a bit of polysporin on her elbow and covered it with a Hawks band aid. "Lets get you somewhere safe so I can go out and find your mommy and daddy." He said, picking the girl up and jogging with her back to one of the medical tents that had been set up by the entrance. 

"Does she have any injuries?" A student from another school asked as he set her down in a chair someone had made out of wood. Nao nodded "Some scratches but nothing big. Please keep her here, she's lost her parents and it'll be easier for them to find her if she's in one place. Actually, if any more lost children show up keep them here, for organization's sake.". The other student nodded and Nao waved goodbye as he headed back to the rubble filled urban zone. 

They did a really, really good job making it look like the Kamino incident. Unsettlingly so. The only reassurance was that now Nao had control over the situation, he was saving others not waiting to be saved. This also meant he empathized greatly with the 'victims', probably more than anyone else. 

He quickly found a group of students from another school crowded in one area. "You!" One called out "We need someone who can get this man down safely, we can all walk down but he's got an injured leg.". Nao nodded and smiled. 

"I can handle this." He told them. Most dissipated after that to look for more civilians but a few stayed behind just incase. "Don't worry sir!" Nao said as he reached the top "I can get you down, injured leg and all. Has anyone else put a splint or anything on it?". 

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