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"If I see one more media outlet calling you the instigator in this situation, I will actually instigate violence and possibly commit murder."

Taehyung exclaimed, pointing accusingly at the television with the remote.

Jimin ignored Taehyung's comment, eyes glued to his computer as he scrolled through article after article, reading the ridiculous headlines, and seeing people's responses.

For some reason, the issue hadn't caused a big stir internationally, but back home, people were going crazy. They'd managed to find a Korean news station on the hotel television, and of course...their drama was making headlines.

The two young teenagers Jimin had seen by the elevators had apparently been live-streaming their fight, which is how the paparazzi had found them, and even though you could hear what they were saying, people still had their own thoughts and opinions.

There were comments about how Jimin was doing this for fame, that it was his fault, that he was breaking up Korea's most perfect couple, that he was the victim, that Suran was heartbroken, that this was all a publicity stunt.

Anything you could possibly think of, Jimin had read it.

The most offending thing in Jimin's mind was that people were hating on him so much because they believed that it was all his fault. That Suran was the victim, and that Yoongi had cheated with him- they were calling him a slut- when it was the other way around.

It made him so angry and frustrated, and he just wanted to cry and curl up in a ball.

Jin had gone absolutely mad.

Although they'd gotten to their rooms in one piece, Jin had a few more thoughts for Yoongi and ended up scratching his neck pretty bad and breaking his pinky.

Yoongi had promptly disappeared after returning from the emergency room with his pinky in a splint, and Jimin could probably guess that he'd gotten another hotel room and was holed up there.

To be honest, it was probably best for everyone if the oldest and the second oldest weren't seen together.

Jimin hadn't been left by himself since the incident, Jin and Namjoon were almost always found in the kitchen area, sitting at the table taking phone calls and answering messages. There was a lot of damage control to be done, and it honestly made Jimin sick to his stomach.

This was all his fault.

All because he fell for a stupidly handsome, funny boy.

Two large hands pulled Jimin's computer back, and he looked up to see Namjoon staring over the screen.

"You need to stop doing this to yourself, Jimin. It's not good for you to be stressed like this. When the official statement comes out, people will realize they were wrong, okay?"

The pink haired boy nodded without a word, letting Namjoon close the computer and take the remote from Taehyung's hand to turn off the television.

Jin came into the room, and Jimin winced, seeing the bag of ice under his swollen eye. He'd been icing his cheek periodically, a deep purple bruise taking up much of the right side of his face.

"I'm fine," Jin insisted, huffing as he plopped down on the couch next to Namjoon.

It was silent for all of about two seconds before a strong knock came from the door.

Jimin looked at Namjoon, who just shrugged, Taehyung, hitting Jin's leg as if to tell him to get up. The oldest groaned, leaning his head back before getting off the couch.

Jimin watched his brother's face change from annoyance to shock as he opened the door, and the boy leaned forward to see who it was.

His heart dropped and he wanted to sink into the floor and disappear.

Shin Suran was standing there, dressed quite casually by idol standards.

Sweat pants, a hoodie, and a baseball cap, probably to hide her face, her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she looked livid.

"Where is he?" She demanded arms crossed, as she walked through the doorway.

"Um, he's not-"

Jin's voice trailed off, as Suran made eye contact with Jimin.

Jimin wanted to hate her. He really did.

He wanted to be angry with her, he wanted to hate her, he wanted to yell and scream at her for taking Yoongi away from him, and yet he couldn't.

Because from the expression on her face, she was hurting too.

And to be honest, Jimin wanted to see her give Yoongi a piece of her mind.

She looked like the kind of girl that would put him in his place.

Her eyes softened as she walked up to Jimin, her voice small, "Jimin...please tell me the truth. Were you and Yoongi together when...when..."

The boy stood there, hands instinctively covering his stomach. He looked down at his feet.


Her face paled and she exhaled deeply, closing her eyes and shaking her head. Jimin's eyes flew up in surprise, when she grabbed his hands, holding them tight.

"I am so, so, so sorry. I never...I never would have asked him to- I never would have...I'm so sorry."

Jimin didn't know what to say.

Things just seemed to be getting more confusing by the minute. He turned to Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jin who also looked stumped.

The door swung open and Yoongi came in, Jungkook following behind him.


He froze, noticing everyone in the room.

Suran upset, Jimin confused, everyone looking at him.

And he stopped.

He closed his eyes, sighed, and his shoulders slumped.

Jimin thought he looked like someone who'd been weaving a web of lies, and the entire thing had just collapsed on itself.

Suran took no mercy on his battered state. She stormed over and shoved him hard, before punching him in the shoulder.

"Are you fucking stupid?! He's pregnant and you agreed to help me?! How could you do that to him! How could you put me in this position?! You've known all this for months and you said nothing! What were you thinking?!"

Suran was yelling in English, her face was red, and her hands on her hips

Yoongi looked dejected, as he threw his hands up, "I wasn't- I wasn't thinking, okay? I...I-i was just trying to help and now everything is a mess, I know, okay?...I'm sorry!"

Suran merely looked at him, shaking her head in disappointment.

"I know you were just trying to help, but you should've said no, I would've figured something else out. You...ugh!"

Suran turned to face the others who were no doubt in shock at what just happened. She reached out and grabbed Jimin's hand.

"I'm really sorry about all of this...I didn't know, and if I did, I wouldn't have asked him for help. I hope you can forgive me."

And with that, she turned to leave, walking out the door and leaving the rest of the group in stunned silence.

Jimin slowly turned to stare at Yoongi, who looked like the entire world had just crumbled beneath his feet.

and so it begins

𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 | 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now