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Time flew by so fast, Jimin was done with his final exams in what felt like a week.

He was excited, eagerly anticipating the next chapter in his life. Getting accepted into Seoul University, as well as its dance academy was a dream he had since he was little.

His bag, already sitting by the door, was packed and ready for vacation.


"OK, I have everything ready for tonight. You have your cap and gown?"

Taehyung was standing by the door, fixing his silver-toned hair, and tucking in his dress shirt.

Kim Taehyung has been Jimin's best friend since third grade when he defended them from the classroom bully, Dae Joo-Hee, for making fun of their clothes.

Years later, they're close as ever, getting ready for their graduation, where Jimin would be performing.

Although many knew him as a dancer, only a few knew that he liked to sing.

And wasn't too bad at it either.

He was persuaded to audition for a slot in the graduation program, and by some miracle, he was chosen.

The relative silence of the apartment was interrupted as the door slammed open.


Taehyung and Jimin screamed in unison, at the sudden noise, trying to use one another as cover.

Jimin quickly grabbed the neck of a mic stand, swinging it in front of him, as the recently identified boy jumped out of the way.

"What the hell? Jimin almost hit you!" Taehyung groaned, realizing who the person was.

Jin's head popped around the doorframe, a small smile on his lips, "Am I going to get maimed if I come in?"

Jimin huffed, but set the stand aside, and ran into his brother's arms.

He smiled, sighing as Jin squeezed him tightly.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

"Do I get a hug too?"



Jimin rolled his eyes at Jungkook but did give him a quick hug before looking around Jin's back. Namjoon and Yoongi were standing in the doorway, watching everything with amusement.

Jimin invited them in, as Jin flopped down on the couch.

"What time is your graduation?"

Jimin pulled out his phone. "I'm leaving now, but you might want to get there within the hour. I'm one of the firsts to get my diploma, and then I'm performing."

At the mention of performing, Yoongi looked over at Jimin with interest.

"You are? What are you doing?"

Jimin smiled, "Jin's not the only one who can sing in the family."

Jin raised his fist in the air as if to say 'preach', Jimin bumping it with his own.

"And don't forget disguises or something. Last thing I need is for every girl and maybe some guy in my class freaking out because 'BTS' is there."

"But you're not seeing any of these people again, anyway..." Jungkook commented.

Jimin shrugged, planting a kiss on the side of Jin's head, before grabbing Taehyung's hand.

"I need to go, and no, Jungkook, you can't get a kiss too."


"Park Jimin!"

There was thunderous applause and shouting- mainly from Taehyung and the four idiots- while he walked across the stage.

Dressed in a black gown with yellow trimming, a yellow tassel, and a red tassel that showed he'd been on the high honor roll for more than two years, he took the diploma from his advisor and the head of academics.

A few pictures, and he was back in his seat with a smile on his face.

He was now a high school graduate.

The rest of the ceremony passed quickly. Taehyung was called up, and there was more screaming before it was Jimin's turn to sing.

Walking onto the stage, he could see the surprise on some of the students' faces- *cough* Dae Joo-hee *cough*- as he took center.

Making sure the microphone was at a good angle, he gave the director in the back a thumbs up to queue the music.

And then he began.

While he was singing, he looked in the crowd, trying to find his brother.

He spotted Jin in the back, smiling proudly.

He loved that look.

It reminded him of coming home and showing Jin a test he'd gotten a hundred on or a project that received a gold star, and the look he gave Jimin made him feel important and cared for.

They'd been through so much over the years, it made Jimin feel good to graduate at the top of his class, happy to make his brother proud.

Also, the look on Joo-Hee's face when she realized that yeah, he could sing, was pretty great too.

He kept singing, scanning the audience for their reaction, knowing the song was soon coming to the end.

Jimin felt himself tear up as he took a deep breath and hit a high note, the crowd breaking into applause.

He could hear Jin, Taehyung, and the others cheering for him the loudest.

And when he was finished, he bowed, grinning at his accomplishment.

The principal stood, shouting above everyone else: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the graduating class of 20XX!"

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