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Jimin sighed, happily flopping down on the bed, as an arm curled around him, pulling the younger into a warm embrace.

The weeks flew by, Jimin happier than he'd ever imagined he'd be.

And his and Yoongi's romance wasn't the only one to emerge.

Everyone had walked in on Jungkook and Taehyung making out, the older straddling Jungkook's lap, both missing their shirts.

Jin had screamed like a little girl and ran out of the room while Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin just laughed.

Namjoon and Jin were now sharing a room, and it was a fight at night to see which couple would get the master bedroom.

Although Jimin did love the mornings when he and Yoongi would wake up to the sun warming their bed, they hadn't done anything...well, not all the way yet.

When Jimin said he'd really let go, he'd really let go.

He used to be so diligent in everything he did. Always handed work in on time, if not early, extra credit even when it wasn't necessary. He knew exactly where he wanted to go and what to do in college, rarely drank, rarely skipped meals, or stayed up late just for the hell of it.

Taehyung used to tease him, saying he was an old lady in a teenager's body.

He'd also been very in control of his love life. Albeit, not as active as others, but not dead.

He'd had boyfriends and dates, but saw no point in putting in time and effort if you were just going to leave in the end.

His longest relationship lasted nine months, but then Wonho moved to America and they knew that long-distance relationships didn't work.

But with Yoongi, Jimin found himself not caring that they might only have a short while If anything, it made him want to be with Yoongi as long as possible because he knew he wouldn't be this happy ever again.

Anyone would think that Yoongi and Jimin were not well-matched, having very different personalities, like oil and water, but Jimin believed that's what made them click.

Yoongi could make Jimin smile, just by smiling himself. His weird sense of humor made Jimin laugh, and he was really good at listening when Jimin was stressed or annoyed.

The younger loved the way Yoongi could be so caring without even trying.

And he loved cuddling.

Not that he'd ever admit it.

Anytime they kissed or merely touched, Yoongi set fire to Jimin's veins.

"Do we have to get up?" Yoongi mumbled against the younger's warm skin, nose pushing the sleeve of Jimin's oversized shirt- well, his shirt- off the boy's shoulder.

Jimin giggled, letting Yoongi pull him in tighter, his bare chest completely flush against Jimin's front.

"No, but I just thought that maybe you'd want some breakfast."

"Nope. I'm good right here," he mumbled into Jimin's now bare shoulder.

The pink haired boy smiled.

They stayed cuddled up, sometimes dozing off, sometimes talking about anything and everything.

"The fourth of July is an American holiday, right? Will you guys be doing anything for your international fans?"

Yoongi nodded, rubbing his thumb along Jimin's arm, softly.

"We'll probably just make a short video, nothing major."

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