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Juniper found herself spending her days in the Room of Requirement as June (the month) arrives. The Quidditch cup win was a blast, everyone excited Slytherin was beat, everyone congratulating Juniper wherever she went, more people wanting to talk to her over the next week. Not only that, but she had noticed quite a few people wearing her jersey the day of the win, which Summer was quick to point out, her included.

Hermione was wearing both her and Harry, having Juniper's jersey over top of Harry's which made Juniper blush. Now though, as June approached, and summertime appeared, the days got quieter, everyone's mind on exams. Even the Weasley twins were quieter, this being the year they take their O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels). Percy was preparing to take his N.E.W.T.s (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests) which put him on edge.

But, the person who was most stressed during this time was none other than Hermione Granger. Juniper thought about introducing her to the quietness that is the Room of Requirements but decided against it, not wanting to annoy the Lovegood twins about inviting yet another person into their secret space. Then again, they were the ones who invited Summer in the first place.

She thought it was cool that the four of them had a place to study in the peace and quiet though, so she kept it a secret, leaving Hermione to talk with Harry and Ron instead. That's how it was the first two years after all. Juniper hanging out with her group and Hermione hanging out with hers. She could change it up a different year. Though, one thing that was different about this year, Hermione actually seemed to care whether Juniper was studying or not. She even made an exams chart for Juniper one morning so she knew what time she had an exam and exactly where to go.

She also liked to randomly quiz her on different things, just to make sure Juniper was on track but Juniper didn't mind. After all, Hermione was just trying to help. As the four study in the Room of Requirements, they hear what sounds to be something tapping on a window. "There" Luna points to the window where an owl was perched, a letter in it's beak.

Summer gets up and opens the window and the owl flutters in, looking around the room. "I didn't even know this place had a window" Juniper scoffs as Summer hands the letter to her. "It's for you" Juniper takes it, noting the letter was from Hagrid. It explained to her about Buckbeak's appeal coming up, the day after exams are finished. Not only that, they were coming up here to do it and an executioner was coming as well.

"That's not fair! That means they've already decided! Ron and I have put a lot of work into that appeal!" Juniper exclaims, pacing around as she looked at the letter. "That must be why Draco seems a little more happier since the loss" "He what?! Oh, when I get my hands on him-" Juniper packs up her stuff, preparing to march down there but Summer stops her.

"Why don't we just calm down." "They're going to kill Buckbeak on the sixth, Sum. How can I calm down at a time like this?" "You've still got time until then. How about you focus on your studies for right now so you pass your exams and then you can focus on Buckbeak's appeal, okay?" Juniper sighs, nodding. "I can't focus up here though. I think I'm gonna see if Remmy can help me a little bit" Summer nods and Juniper waves goodbye to the three Ravenclaws before heading down.

She knocks on the office door and she hears Lupin's tired voice. She opens the door, peaking her head in and he smiles once he notices. "Coming to cheat, are we?" "Me? Never!" She scoffs, sitting across from him. "Just making sure. You know I'm not gonna give away anything when it comes to the exams. You'll have to figure it out like the rest of your classmates" Juniper puts her hands up in surrender.

"So, you did just come to visit me then?" "Sort of" Lupin raises an eyebrow at her and she sighs, pulling out the letter and handing it to him. He reads it over as Juniper shakes her head. "I can't believe it. I just know what's gonna happen. They're going to execute him and where we'll that leave me? Feeling like a failure. My stupid accidents caused a poor creatures death. I've done everything I possibly could and it's still going to happen" She sniffles.

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now