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    First years were called up one by one to the stool to get sorted but Juniper's mind was running wild. She didn't really pay attention that much unless she recognized the names that were called up. "Granger, Hermione" McGonagall says. Juniper slowly looks up as Hermione starts whispering to herself and trying to calm herself down. Hermione makes her way over to the stool and takes a seat.

The hat gets placed on her head as the hat starts whispering things in her ear only she could hear. You could only tell it was talking from the way it was moving about on her head. "Gryffindor!" It shouts to Juniper and Summer's surprise. She seemed more like a Ravenclaw to them the way she knew so much. The second table on the left shouted in glee, happy to get a new Gryffindor.

More names are called and it starts getting closer and closer to the R's. "Malfoy, Draco." McGonagall calls out and everyone looks at him. He gives his other friends a look of confidence and walks up to the stool, taking a seat. Before the hat even touches his head the hat yells Slytherin and the Slytherin table shouts as Draco sends a smirk his friend's way while they clap for him. "Myrtle, Summer" McGonagall calls. Juniper gives her a pleading look as Summer gives her a reassuring smile before unhooking her arm and making her way towards the stool.

Juniper already knew she was gonna get Ravenclaw. That's what her parents wanted her to be in as well but she already acted like a Ravenclaw. She takes a seat and the hat is placed on her head. After a few seconds the hat speaks up. "Ravenclaw!" It yells and the Ravenclaw table shouts as she makes her way towards the table patting Juniper on the shoulder as she passes.

She waits for the R's to be called which was very close considering Harry Potter had just been called up causing whispers around the room. She noticed even Dumbledore sit up straighter as the name is called. Harry sits on the stool as the hat reads his mind. "Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin" Harry starts whispering. "Gryffindor!" It shouts and the Gryffindor table erupts in cheers, having earned themselves 'The boy who lived'. More names are called and then it gets to the R's.

"Rosewood, Juniper" McGonagall calls out. Juniper's eyes widen and she looks at her brother as he gives her a reassuring nod. She gulps nervously as she walks up towards the stool. She takes a seat and McGonagall places the hat on her head while everyone watches her closely. Especially the other three of the quartet. "Ah! A Rosewood!" The hat whispers in excitement. "Hmm. I remember when I was put on your parents heads. Very intelligent I must say. Very intelligent indeed. But, my dear, you don't seem to have the minds of your parents" The hat tells her as she closes her eyes, crossing her fingers. If Harry Potter got what he wanted by begging, why couldn't Juniper?

"Ravenclaw." She mutters hopefully. "Ravenclaw? Trying to follow in your parents footsteps, eh?" It whispers curiously. Then it happens. The hat shouts out a house name. "Gryffindor!" It yells and Juniper's eyes widen immediately and her heart drops down to her feet. The Gryffindor's cheer, having received yet another house mate but Juniper was frozen on the stool. She hadn't even realized the hat was taken off her head and her brother was called up until McGonagall had asked if she was okay. Her brother looked at her with wide worried eyes as Juniper got up and slowly made her way to the Gryffindor table.

She looked ghostly pale as the rest of the quartet watched her with worry. They knew what was going to happen when her parents found out. The Gryffindor house was all of their parents least favorites and for one of them to get in it, they weren't even sure if they could hang out anymore. Lucas, of course, had gotten Ravenclaw and immediately sat next to Summer, whispering to her about Juniper. But Juniper sat all the way at the edge of the Gryffindor table, wondering what Deaths her parents had planned for her. Maybe make it quick and easy by throwing the Avada kedavra spell at her. Or maybe make it long and painful. She didn't know. But she did know that she was dead.

You're Not Alone-Hermione Granger(Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now