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Juniper and Hermione walk down the corridors, heading towards the one-eyed witch statue, both of them determined to help Buckbeak in whatever way they can. Though, by the way Juniper continued to clench and unclench her fists, Hermione could tell this was hitting Juniper a lot harder than her, Ron and Harry. So, what else does she do to help comfort her friend? She waits until Juniper unclenches her fist before slipping her hand into Juniper's, squeezing it lightly, causing Juniper to tense up.

Juniper glances down at their now intertwined hands, though Hermione continues to try and walk, and Juniper, not wanting to look like it affected her, continues to walk as well. It definitely was affecting her. Not in a bad way of course. Actually, Hermione's hand in hers was quite comforting. But, considering she did still have a crush on the girl, and was still trying to focus on keeping those walls from closing up on her, it kind of surprised her.

But, if Hermione wasn't affected by it, then neither was she. They had more important things to take care of after all. Hermione's just trying to be a good friend and reassure her everything was okay. Friends hold hands all the time, right? Her and Summer hold hands at least. Well, when Juniper looks like she needs to be comforted, that is. But then again, she always sees Lucas and Summer holding hands as Juniper was just confused. But, she shook all of the thoughts out of her head and focused on the task at hand. They pause at the end of the hall and Hermione peaks around the corner.

"Well?" Juniper whispers after a minute. Hermione shakes her head. "Snape's down there" "Of course he is" Juniper sighs out. "What do we do?" "Simple. You get the cloak, I'll take care of Snape" "Did you not hear what Harry said? You'd be in big trouble if Snape caught you!" "What, I'm suddenly not allowed to walk down the corridor anymore?" Juniper scoffs and Hermione sends her a look.

"Just...I'll keep him distracted, you worry about the statue. Tap it once and say 'Dissendium'" "Okay, but-" Before Hermione can finish her sentence, Juniper had let go of her hand and was already casually walking down the corridor, her hands stuffed into her black pants pockets (Yes, Juniper was able to wear pants instead of the skirt, thanks to some help with convincing from Lucas as well before their first year). "Miss Rosewood, back in third corridor, near where I caught you the first time." Snape says, narrowing his eyes at her. She makes sure to walk past him, so his back is facing Hermione and Hermione slowly creeps down the hallway.

"Come back here when I'm talking to you" "Oh, sorry Professor Snape. I was just having my evening stroll. Do you take those as well?" Snape eyes her carefully, his expression unimpressed. "Do you really believe I am that incapable of picking up on lame excuses such as 'evening strolls'? What are you doing down here?" Snape demands while Hermione sneaks towards the statue. Hermione pauses, frowning. The other two were close enough that Snape would probably hear her if she opened the statue or even chanted the spell for that matter.

Juniper seems to pick up on it as well but schools her expressions as she looks up at Snape. "Sorry, Professor, it's just been a long day, you see-" She lets out some of the emotion she was holding in, hoping it'd work. A tear or two rolls down her cheek, startling the head of Slytherin. "Buckbeak's appeal didn't go so well so I thought I'd clear my head a little to keep my thoughts from going into that direction. Oh, great, here it comes again" Juniper sniffles.

Hermione watches her curiously, a little surprised at her acting abilities. Even Hermione believed it was real. Unbeknownst to the others of course, it actually was. Juniper just knew when to use the raw emotion. "Err-" Snape didn't know what to say. "Don't mind me, Professor. I'll just be over here. I was thinking about pulling a prank to get my spirits up a little. You wouldn't mind, would you?" Juniper ambles down the hallway and Snape stares after her for a second before realizing what she's just said. "Rosewood!" He speed walks after her, not even sparing a glance in Hermione's direction as he turns the corner, leaving just Hermione in the hallways who easily retrieves the invisibility cloak.

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