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    It was exams time and Juniper was nervous. The day after the detention, Juniper had explained to the other three everything that happened. "Yeah and she fell in unicorn blood" Draco laughs causing Juniper's eyes to widen. "Oh no! I forgot to get my robes from Hagrid!" She says, packing up her things.

She starts heading down to the hut and finds Hagrid playing a flute. She walks towards him with a smile. "Hello, Hagrid" Juniper greets. "'Ello, Juniper. Come ter get yer robes?" He asks and she nods. He goes into his hut and Juniper waits outside. She notices Hermione, Harry and Ron rushing towards the hut and raises an eyebrow at them as Hagrid comes out with her robes.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'm sorry about last night. Draco can be a real idiot sometimes" She apologizes. "I figured that out las' night" He laughs and she smiles. "Hagrid! Who gave you the dragon egg? What did he look like?" Harry rushes out to Hagrid and Juniper looks at the three confused.

"Harry, what a surprise. We got a bit o' company" Hagrid says, motioning to Juniper as Juniper puts on her clean robes. "It's okay. I was just leaving anyways. I have studying to do. I don't want to know what my parents will do to me if I get a bad grade on my exams" Juniper tells them. Harry, Hermione, Hagrid and Ron can't help but wonder what the girl meant by that but Juniper was already walking away, wondering what they needed to talk about.


    Juniper felt pretty confident in her exams. She was sure she aced all of them after all the studying she had done so she wasn't worried in the slightest. One late night, she was down in the Gryffindor common room when Neville rushed down the stairs. Juniper raises an eyebrow at his urgent look.

"Have Harry, Ron and Hermione been down yet?" He asks her curiously. "Yet?" She repeats, confused. Neville nods before looking around and walking towards her. "They're planning on sneaking out" He explains. "Why?" She wonders curiously, putting her quill back in her ink. Neville just shrugs as they hear footsteps. Neville takes a seat on a chair hiding himself and placing Trevor on the arm of the chair.

Juniper lays back on the couch and puts her homework on her stomach. She turns away from the entrance and pretends to be asleep. She hears them enter the common room. "Is she asleep?" She hears Hermione ask. "I think so" Ron says. Trevor suddenly croaks, bringing their attention off of Juniper and on to the toad. "Trevor." Harry says.

"Trevor, go! You shouldn't be here!" Ron whisper yells. "Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?" Neville asks them, standing up to reveal himself. "Now, Neville, listen. We were-" Harry tries to say but Neville cuts him off, moving to stand in front of them. Juniper moves to face them, letting them know she is awake. "No, I won't let you! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I'll fight you." Neville stutters, bringing his fist up. "Neville, I'm sure there's a good reason they're sneaking out." Juniper chimes in, standing up and walking to stand beside Neville.

"We'll let you go if you tell us" Juniper adds, crossing her arms. The three look at each other before shaking their heads. "No. We can't" Harry tells them and Juniper shrugs. "I guess you can't go then either" Juniper sighs. "I'm really sorry about this. Petrificus Totalus." Hermione says, holding up her wand. Juniper quickly ducks and it hits Neville. Neville freezes up and falls to the ground as Juniper looks at him with wide eyes.

Juniper looks over at the other three in shock. "What the-" She breathes in disbelief. "Please let us go?" Harry pleads with her. "As long as you don't do that to me" Juniper says, pointing down at Neville. The three nod and she nods, letting them go. They walk past Neville and apologize before leaving as Juniper drops on to her knees. "Neville" She panics.

"A little help?" He manages to get out. "Um...I don't really know what to do." Juniper admits. "Do something" He tells her. "Okay, okay...ummmm" She mumbles, trying to think of something. "I'll take you to the hospital wing" Juniper quickly says. She tries to pick up the stiff boy but he was too heavy. She huffs as she just picks him up by his legs and starts dragging him to the portrait.

They reach the portrait and she picks him up quickly and manages to get him out. She accidentally drops him out of the other side of the portrait and winces. "Sorry" She apologizes quickly, starting to drag him again. She picks him up under his armpits once they reach the moving staircases and starts dragging him down, trying not to hurt him. It probably took Juniper about an hour to get Neville to the hospital clinic.

She was huffing and panting as she knocks on the hospital wing's doors, wondering how she wasn't even caught. The door opens and a very confused Madam Pomfrey appears. "Help....petrified....dying" Juniper wheezes, out of breath. Madam Pomfrey quickly helps her bring Neville in and they set him on one of the beds. "What happened?" She asks quickly as Juniper leans over to catch her breath. "No clue. I just found him like that in the common room" She lies.

Madam Pomfrey bustles around the place, trying to help Neville out as Juniper watches. She takes a seat in the bed beside him, still out of breath. "You should probably get back to your dormitory. Thank you for bringing him" Madam Pomfrey tells her. She sighs but nods. She walks out the door, bidding Neville a good night. She makes her way back to her common room, wondering what was so important the other three had to do that caused them to petrify Neville and try to petrify her too.

As she turns a corner, she rams into someone sending her and the person to the ground. Juniper groans and holds her elbow after it slams into the ground. "I'm so sorry" A familiar voice rushes out. She looks over to find Hermione stood there with an unconscious Ron beside her. "Is he okay?" Juniper quickly asks. "He's fine. I just need to get him to the hospital wing and find Dumbledore." She explains. "I'll take him. I was just there anyways. You find Dumbledore" Juniper tells her.

"Are you sure?" She asks and Juniper nods, standing up. "Go" Juniper waves her off and Hermione quickly thanks her before running off again. Juniper walks over to Ron and it was much easier to pick him up. She huffs before walking back to the hospital, muttering under breath.

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