Chapter 1

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"Chris you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." Tobin says taking a step closer leaving only inches between us. This closeness is nothing new between us, we are best friends after all, but this time it's nearly suffocating. "Tobin what is this?" Another step and suddenly my hands are in hers. "Whatever you want it to be." This time she brings her gaze upwards so her eyes and staring straight into mine. It's like she's looking for something inside of me. "Tobin" This shifts her gaze down to my lips then back up to my eyes. This time she seems to be asking permission for something. I nod my head never letting my eyes leave hers. She bites her lip like she always does when she's nervous and starts to lean in. Wait she's gonna kiss me? Oh god obviously she is how dumb can I be? She rests her hand on my cheek right as our lips begin to touch and-

"Chris it's time to get up come on!" My eyes snap open as I take in my surroundings. Where's Tobin and why am I in bed? Oh god it was another stupid dream. "Roomie come on up and at em! Mama is not being late to breakfast today." I sit up and look at Ash, "Alright I'm up I just forgot where I was for a sec." She smirks as she carefully looks at my face. Do I have drool or something? "I bet you were dreaming about a certain muscular dreamboat brunette." I immediately spring up from the bed and beeline to the bathroom. "OH MY GOD YOU ACTUALLY WERE!" Ash says blocking the bathroom door. Am I really that easy to read? "Oh you mean Ali? I guess she's nice and all but she is your girl and that would make me a pretty shitty friend." Ash rolls her eyes and laughs, "Yeah great try Pressy but not who I meant. Do I really need to spell it out for you Stanford?" It's too early in the morning for this. "Fine you win this round just let me in the bathroom and then we can get breakfast." Ash smirks triumphantly and dances to her bed. Well at least that's done with for now. Hopefully she won't bring it up at breakfast.

"Oh so anyway guys guess who was having one hell of a dream last night!" I know she did not just- "Our beloved striker Pressy!" I feel everyone's shift to me. "What was it Chris? You know I love hearing about everyone's dreams." Mal says sweetly while chewing on a donut. "I- well- it wasn't really that crazy Ash is just exaggerating." "Oh no guys I promise it had to be good she was so out of it when I woke her up. I'm pretty sure it was about-" "Tobin!" I yell as her and Alex come into view. "Morning guys sorry we're late this one did not want to get up today." Alex beams pointing over to Tobin. Tobin bites her lip and looks down. This makes me immediately choke on my water as I flashback to the dream. "What's wrong Chris? Are you okay?" Tobin says jogging over. "Pressy is fine I have a feeling she just remembered the dream she was about to tell us about." She really won't give it a rest will she? "Oh you're telling your dream I had a weird one last night too." Alex says while she takes the seat to my right. Wow for once I love Alex Morgan. "Go ahead tell yours Alex mine isn't exciting in the slightest." She nods and begins to dive into her dream. My eyes travel to Tobin who is staring intently at Alex. I let out a sigh and excuse myself from the table. No one takes any notice though all focusing on Alex's dream.

It's not until I'm in the elevator that I realize someone did notice. Kelley comes running in barely squeezing between the closing doors. "Whew looks like I got my exercise for the day!" Kelley remarks. "You were being way weird back there dude. Is everything alright?" Kelley's more observant than I give her credit for sometimes. "I'm all good just tired is all." She slings her arm over my back, "Come onnnn Chris you can tell me. I've seen you just tired and that was definitely not it." She's not wrong there she's seen me on even my most hungover college days and I've never acted like that. "It was just Ash bringing up the stupid dream I had last night. I haven't even told her it yet she's still begging me to spill it to the whole team." It's silent for a minute until Kelley pipes up again, "Why don't you tell me your dream. I'll totally cover for you if she brings it up but I do want to know what it was before. Not like I'll judge I've heard the whackiest dreams of yours. Remember that sex dream you had about-" "OKAY! Enough I don't wanna think about that. It's so embarrassing Kell. I mean I'd die if she ever found out about my dream or if anyone found out really." I begin to start rambling. "Look dude just spit it out maybe I'll work some O'Hara magic on you and make it all better." I take a deep breath, "I had a dream about kissing Tobin!" I blurt out and cover my face. "Oh my god I knew it!" Kelley exclaims throwing her hands up in the air. "What do you mean you knew it?" If Kelley knows do the others? Would Tobin know? "Sonnett and I have had a bet about whether you were madly in love with Tobin or not." She deadpans laughing to herself. "WHAT?!" I yell just as our elevator opens. I rush out towards my room with Kelley right on my trail.

"It's no biggie Chris we are the only two involved. If it makes you feel better Em thinks Tobin is crushing hard on you and that you're just not into it." Wait she thinks Tobin is into me? "Okay back to lecturing you later she thinks Tobin likes me?" "Way to sound like a high schooler Pressy, and yes she knows Tobin is into someone because she overheard her with Allie and she bets it's you." If only I could ask Allie without her totally snitching to Tobin I mean they are inseparable sometimes. "Shut up Kel. I don't even know what to do about it or if there is anything to do." Kelley beams at me, "So it's true you are madly in love with Tobin!" "Well I'm not sure about madly or love really but I have maybe had the smallest crush on her ever since we met..." "It's been that long! Damn when did you get so good at keeping things from me? Also you totally have to tell her Chris it's been years don't make yourself suffer." She has a point it has been years and I have been suffering. "What if she doesn't feel the same and it ruins our whole friendship? I don't think she even knows I like girls and I'm not sure that she even likes girls." Kelley smacks her hand on her head. "Of course she likes girls have you seen how many hats she owns? No straight girl owns that many hats." I have seen her hat collection actually... "Yes I've seen it and that doesn't help me even if she's into girls it doesn't mean she's into me." I feel my hands being grabbed tightly. "Anyone with eyes would be into you dude. There was this time in college where even I was a little into you." I burst out laughing, "YOU WERE INTO ME? Oh I'm so holding that over you forever and ever!" She groans and lets go of me, "Not the point of that and if you tell anyone that especially Sonnett I'll have no choice but to kill you." Why not tell Sonnett unless... "Kelley you didn't tell me you were crushing on Emily." Her jaw drops, "Me into Sonnett? Never I mean like never she's great and all but she's well she's her and well uh yeah." A bright pink fills Kelley's cheeks. She's so lying to me right now. "Kels I think we might be in the same boat here. I have a proposition. We tell both of them tonight after dinner." Kelley's definitely considering it she has her thinking face on. "You know I'll do it. IF you switch rooms with me if it goes badly." Oh yeah that's right she's roomed next to Emily.

"You have yourself a deal O'Hara."

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