Chapter 8

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The rest of the camp flies by and soon enough it's time for the "party". The day after the whole me telling Tobin I like Kelley thing I immediately alerted Kelley. I mean I had to I don't know what kind of plans Tobin has. Kelley ended up just laughing it off along with Sonnett which was a relief because I couldn't handle a jealous Sonnett right now.

After practice Emily shot a text to the group chat telling everyone the festivities would be happening in her and Lindsey's room.

So here I am now trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever scheme my best friend has planned. If i'm being honest I don't think i've ever seen this side of Tobin. She's always so nonchalant about everything and never gets involved in gossip. Guess she just really wants me and Kelley together. I mean she has known both of us forever maybe she thinks it's cute? Ew no nope not cute. Her and Emily though? Now that's cute. Actually I'm a little shocked Tobin hasn't noticed that. While they aren't dating yet they sure act like it. Cuddling in the back of the bus while whispering things to eachother. Actually that's not far from how they acted before.

You ready for my master plan?

Don't do anything stupid Tobs!

I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing that she just texted to remind me; probably bad.

Ash and I head to their room and the whole way there Ash is desperately trying to calm me down. "Come on Pressy whatever Tobin's planning can't be that bad. Look at her does she look like the kind of person to pull out some grand plan? She's totally just messing with you dude."

It doesn't help at all and I can't help but feel nervous. The feeling only intensifies when we enter and everyone else is already there sitting in a circle.

"What do we have here?" Ashlyn says clearly amused by the set up. "If I didn't know better i'd say this look like a spin the bottle or truth or dare set up." Rose enthusiastically nods her head and responds, "Come on it'll be a good team bonding exercise and plus we haven't played in forever!"

There was a reason for avoiding the game for so long. The last time we played truth or dare it directly led into spin the bottle. Things were awkward for days after Emily has to kiss Lindsey. Let's just say Kelley's a little moody when she's jealous.

"You don't have to play Ash we know you and Ali will end up in your own little world anyways." This earned a laugh from almost everyone in the circle. "I'll grace you with my presence for truth or dare but count me out for spin the bottle these lips only belong to one woman!"

And so it begins. I choose to sit safely next to Mal and Becky who I think everyone is a little shocked is joining us tonight. "Alright" Rose starts looking around the circle picking her first victim. "Sam! Truth or dare?" "Truth" Rose rolls her eyes, "Boring! but would you consider you and Pat to be kinky?" Many jaws drop around the circle including my own. So it's gonna be that kind of game. "Um well you know a little? Not like extreme but we've gotten into some stuff recently." Oooo's erupt mostly from the younger ones. "Shut it guys alright Mal truth or dare?"

The game is going without a hitch with Mal getting dared to send a risky picture to Dansby, Kelley getting dared to give Becky a lap dance, Crystal revealing her first kiss was actually a girl, and Lindsey saying she's had a minor crush on someone on the team.

That is until after her confession Lindsey suggests switching it up to a nice game of spin the bottle. It seemed sudden but then I see Tobin smirking at me next to Lindsey and it clicks. She totally just told Lindsey to do that.

Allie volunteers to go first claiming she hasn't had any action in a while since Bati has been extra busy recently. She spins it and it ends up landing on Alex and it's a quick kiss with a dramatic flair.

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