Chapter 6

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As soon as Tobin and I enter the hotel I say goodbye and run up the stairs for "exercise". In reality I'm just trying to get to Kelley's room as fast as possible while avoiding any extra conversation about my crush with Tobin.

After I agreed to her plan we decided to head back to the hotel. Time really flies when you're hiding your crush on your best friend!

Once I reach her door I start banging aggressively forgetting it was about 2 a.m. "Who the fuck is at the door Kelley I swear to god if it's Emily again!" Alex yanks open the door and gives me a soft smile when she sees how stressed I look. "Oh hey Christen I'm guessing you aren't here to see me?" "No but I kinda wanted to talk to you too. I wasn't planning on that tonight but might as well kill two birds with one stone right?"

She ushers me in and flips on the big light switch earning a groan from Kelley. "Pressy I love you but why the hell are you here?" Alex pulls Kelley up from her sleeping position and punches her arm lightly. "She wants to talk to us and she's clearly stressed so be nice Kell." "Yeah yeah Janice, alright what's so important you came banging on our door at 2 in the morning?"

"My Stanford degree failed me Kell! I practically admitted my feelings for Tobin and she still didn't get the message!" Both her and Alex's eyebrows shot up for different reasons. "I told you communications would get you nowhere in life Pressy, but tell me more about this telling of feelings that happened."

Alex cuts in with a question of her own, "Wait wait you like Tobin?" Kelley answers her with a "Yeah Alex keep up!"

"Okay so we snuck out to go the beach which isn't anything new, but more on that later maybe. And she asked me how I knew I was gay and then I gave this whole dumb monologue about liking this mystery girl and I was literally just talking about her. She didn't even realize Kell. That's not even the worst part after I was done she said we should each other with our crushes which leads me to you Alex."

Kelley and Alex look at each other trying to figure out what to even start with. "Christen Tobin is an amazing friend to me and I hope you know that's all she ever has been or will be to me. I just don't have the heart to tell her that because well I don't wanna scare her. If I say something wrong I could easily lose her friendship and that's not something I want. I understand if this is a lot to ask but I need you to get her to tell me so I can just do it." Kelley nods along clearly agreeing with everything Alex says.

"I can do that I think, but what should I do about her wanting to help me?" Its Kelley who speaks up this time, "Chris I don't know if you see it but this is actually a perfect opportunity for you. You can get advice from Tobin about Tobin without her even realizing. Just ask her questions like well would you want to know, how she would want to find out hypothetical stuff like that." My fellow Stanford graduate actually has a point here.

"You're right. If she didn't realize I was talking about her tonight she most likely won't realize it if I push a little further. Thanks guys. Before I go though what happened with Em after I left?" Kelley's face burns red and Alex looks absolutely clueless. "Nothing Chris we had a nice conversation that involved lots and lots and lots of..." Just as Kelley is about to finish her thought Alex asks what I'm even talking about. " Sonny and I we well...we... I... I told her I was interested in her and she feels the same way so now we're sort of a thing I guess. Not officially because being the gentlewoman I am will not be asking her to be my girlfriend until after the first date."

"Kell were you two not about to get it on before the first date if I hadn't opened the door?" Her face turns red again and she can't really deny it. "OH MY GOD KELL YOU WERE NOT ABOUT TO HAVE SEX WITH SONNETT IN OUR SHARED ROOM!"

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