Chapter 2

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After shooting both Emily and Tobin texts to meet us at our rooms after dinner we went back down to get on the bus to go to the game. Today isn't really a big deal since it's just a friendly, but people still seem to be in their "designated" spots. I walk to the middle and sit in the window seat and wait for my bus buddy to arrive. The girls all flood into the bus but Tobin is no where to be found. I look over my shoulder to see Emily and Kelley laughing about something in the back. Why hasn't Kelley told Emily before? It's so obvious they're into each other.

"Hey bus buddy!" There she is. "Hey Tobs." She slides down next to me and pulls out her phone. "You know if you wanted to talk to me you could just ask no need for some mysterious text. What's up anyway why not just tell me now?" My whole body tenses. "Well I mean it's kinda like a big thing and I'm not really sure if you'd wanna hear it with all these people around." She lets out a small laugh, "Chris I'm not gonna have a heart attack I can tell you something I've been meaning to tell you first if you want?" Oh god Tobin has to tell me something. What if she already knows and is just gonna reject me? What if I messed something up? Did Ash tell her I had a dream about her I swear to god if she did. "Okay so don't judge me or anything but I'm kinda interested in this person and she's one of my closest friends and I kinda want your advice because you've always been good with this stuff." She? I guess that's a good sign right? "She?" Tobin starts fidgeting with her hands, "Uh yeah I hope that's not like a big deal or anything. Don't freak or anything it's not you so no need to worry yourself." My stomach drops.

Of course it's not me. "Chris are you okay you look like you've just seen a ghost." Tobin scoots closer to me and grabs my hand. "Chris why are you crying? Shit I shouldn't of told you I'm sorry just forget this conversation ever happened." Without meeting her eyes I yell for Emily to switch places with me. Thankfully she does with no hesitation and I sit next to Kelley. "Pressy what's wrong I swear I'll beat up Tobin if she..." I quickly shake my head. "Chris please come back I just wanna talk about..." Kelley stands up and yells, "Dude get the message she doesn't wanna talk right now!" I'll thank her later for that. "Alright now tell me what happened. Did you tell her?" I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "It's okay Pressy I'm here." Kelley whispers wiping the tears from my cheeks.

Finally I get my composure back and tell Kelley about what happened. "So did she say who it is then?" Shit I should've stayed long enough to find out for sure who it was. "No but I have a few suspicions. Well one really." Kelley nods thinking for a second before saying, "Alex right? I mean that's the only person who would make sense." Kelley starts rambling and I bring myself to look at Tobin. Her head is in her hands which probably means she's crying at least a little bit. Allie's next to her with her hand on Tobin's back. Emily must've switched with Allie when Tobin started crying. Apparently sensing someone's staring at her Allie turns to me with a sad expression on her face. She begins to mouth something and but I can't tell what. I point to my phone signaling for her to text me.

Are you okay?

I'm not the one who needs to be okay. I shouldn't of reacted like that to her she didn't do anything wrong.

I understand why you reacted the way you did Christen. You know while Harry has many talents being perceptive isn't one of them.

Just as I'm about to respond and ask what she means the bus comes to a stop. "Let's get hype everyone it's game time!" Pinoe says standing up from her seat.

It isn't a hard game really we ended up winning 3-0 against Brazil. Most of the team seemed to sense something was off with Tobin and I though. Especially when she missed a wide open shot. "Nice game Chris!" Mal says coming in for a hug. "You too your passing was on point." She smiles brightly, "Thanks, but I think you should go find Tobin." I let go of her and take a step back. "Why would I do that?" I ask a little afraid of the answer. "Chris the bus is big but it isn't that big. No one knows what you two were talking about but her yelling after you and Kelley yelling back makes it pretty obvious something happened. I figured it must be big since you and Tobin never fight." She's not wrong Tobin and I haven't ever actually fought before. "Yeah you're right. It's just complicated it's my fault really. I'm probably gonna talk to Allie first though." Mal pats my back and walks away. Now to find Allie Long.

Eventually I find her in a hallway texting on her phone. "Hey Allie..." She looks up. "I figured you'd find me eventually." She says sighing. "Harry isn't mad at you just so you know she's just confused." I let out a sigh of relief. At least she isn't furious at me. "She probably thinks I'm some homophobic asshole which couldn't be farther from the truth. I mean I like girls for crying out loud." "She knows you're not homophobic you're way too close with Pinoe, Ash, and Ali for that. That's why she's confused. She doesn't see why you would've reacted like that. Like I said she's clueless sometimes." It really sounds like Allie knows about my feelings. "What would she be clueless about?" Allie cocks her head, "oh come on now you have the hots for Harry and don't even try to deny it I see the way you drool over her." I gasp, "I do not drool!" Allie begins to laugh. "I do not there's no way drool has ever come out of my mouth." I state while glaring at her. "Fine fine no drool. But you do stare at her like a lot." Sounds like I need to work on that. "Okay yes I like Tobin but that doesn't mean anything especially when she doesn't feel that way about me." "Give her some time she's never suspected that you feel anything for her. I'm assuming you've figured out who she does like right now?" I wonder how many people know who she likes. "Alex seems to be the obvious choice." "Harry's not good at covering her feelings either. They'll pass especially since Alex has Serv. Don't tell Tobin this but Alex already knows. She's known for a bit but she just doesn't wanna hurt Tobin so she avoids it." That shocks me. How has Allie not told Tobin that I'd wanna know. I mean I'm not telling her but Allie's different. "So what do I do?" Allie seems to see someone coming and whispers, "Here she comes just work this fight out now and worry about the feelings part later." She runs off leaving just Tobin and I in the hallway.

"Hi Tobs." I look her up and down and she looks bad. Her eyes are puffy and red and her hairs a mess. "What's up Chris?" It's lacking the regular Tobin calmness. "I just wanted to talk about what happened on the bus earlier. I'm so sorry for how I reacted it wasn't what it looked like at all." "Then what was it?" There wasn't any anger in her voice just sadness mixed with confusion. "I don't really know how to tell you right now but it wasn't you being gay. Actually I am too." Her eyes widen at this. "Why haven't you told me?"

"Well I tried to once actually."

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