Chapter 18

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Unsurprisingly Tobin and I aren't roomed together this camp. Instead I'm with Alex which is still a bit awkward to say the least. I can tell she's really trying to be friendly, but things are just tense. Kelley and Tobin are both hesitant to put it nicely. In comparison to them I've gotten over it pretty quickly. However it is hard to be around her all the time just knowing what she's done to two people I love.

What all of that means is that a lot of my time is spent with Tobin, and I am definitely not complaining about it. In between training sessions and recovery we pretty much spend every moment together cuddled up in her room talking or watching some movie. Sadly nothing that would qualify as an actual date.

That doesn't worry me though since Tobin's promised several times already that she has something special planned. It's just a matter of when we will be able to do it.

Much to my frustration she hasn't agreed to reveal anything about her plan. Not even what I would need to wear.

Days upon days go by before I finally get a cryptic text from Tobin instructing me to meet her outside of her room at midnight and to bring a coat.

So that solves the mystery of the coat. I guess that means that it'll most likely be something outdoors which is good. I've always felt the most at peace when outside sometime at night. The serenity always manages to qualm whatever anxiety's I have.

Dinner is quite possibly the most boring thing I've ever been through. Really it's not much different than any other time, Sonnett and Kelley are disgustingly in love, Lindsey and Rose make gagging noises while Sam watches annoyed, Becky watches everyone like the mother hen she is, but instead of sitting by me, Tobin is off chatting with Mal who looks positively giddy.

Julie won't stop talking about Zach, and normally I really wouldn't mind, but right now it just feels like every word coming out of her mouth makes time go even slower.

Finally I manage to make eye contact with Tobin who gives me a soft smile then a wink, and it's enough of a high to get me through the rest of dinner.

Thankfully, the team hasn't decided to do a movie tonight so I just get to peacefully relax in my room which is exactly what I need right now.

As soon as Alex steps into the elevator with me that plan is as foiled.

"Hey Alex..." I force out right as she steps on the elevator as a ditch effort at being polite.

She doesn't seem to mind though and gives me a polite smile before cheerfully greeting me with a short, "Hey!"

Awkward elevator music quickly cuts through the speakers momentarily relieving some of the tension between us.

To anyone who wasn't paying attention Alex would look totally fine. All she's really doing in theory is just standing there staring at the floor. But to someone whose seen her before any big tournament it's easy to tell she's nervous, or rather, anxious.

"How are you holding up? I know things with Kelley and Tobin haven't exactly gone back to normal yet."

At first she doesn't respond in anyway only continuining to stare down, but just as I'm about to apologize she lets out an unsteady breath followed by a response.

"I miss them a lot. They were two of my best friends and I hate to think that it may never get back to that. I know what I did was fucked up, but I never meant to be a villian. I never thought about how it could seem like I was using them. I guess I just saw it as two of my best friends who I love helping me figure a few things out. Sure maybe that was selfish but I didn't mean to hurt them the way I did."

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