Chapter 4

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"You have to tell her Chris!" Kelley sternly whispered when they got off the bus. "Kell what about Alex?" That question has been replaying in my head ever since Allie confirmed it. I mean what about Alex? No matter how straight Alex was Tobin still liked her. It won't just go away when I tell her how I feel. Oh god did I just think when? Definitely more of an if. "What about Alex Chris? Alex is so in love with Servando and trust me she won't be leaving him for her female teammate, trust me been there done that. I gave that woman the best damn orgasms she's ever had and she still wouldn't leave him for me." Did she just- "KELLEY MAUREEN O'HARA I KNOW YOU DID NOT SLEEP WITH-" Her palm clamps over my mouth and she begins dragging me into the hotel before I can finish. "Shhhh you may need to sit down for this one."

So many questions. So so so many questions. By the time we arrive at her room and sit on her bed there's about a million things flying through my head. "Okay you may continue now, but do try to be quiet there's neighbors ya know." She's only saying that because Sonnett and Horan were right next door. God forbid Sonnett ever find out she'd probably have an internal combustion from imagining Kelley give the 'best damn orgasms'. "I hear you. So firstly when, why, and how?" "It was in 2013 it sort of just happened one night in a hotel room. It was no big romantic thing you know me that's not how I roll. She was just getting into the shower and I guess she caught me staring a bit too long and said 'see something you like O'Hara?' I didn't mean to stare but I just couldn't help it. I had all those feelings for her back then. Anyways within a minute we were in the shower and you know..." The fans are much more perceptive than I am apparently. They had been all over Kell and Alex back then. I didn't even know she had feelings for Alex. "Okay secondly why didn't you ever tell me and how long did this go on for?"

Kelley seemed lost in her head for a moment before answering, "I guess I didn't tell you because I never wanted to admit it back then. I know you wouldn't of cared but I was so ashamed of being that gay girl that liked her best friend. The next part is gonna make me sound like an awful person Chris." My hand met hers and our pinkies intertwined signaling to her thats hat she said wouldn't make me disappointed.

"There were two times it stopped. The first was the night before her wedding; yeah shitty of me I know. By this point I was pretty sure she knew how I felt about her and all that jazz but it didn't stop her that night. When she was- well when I- Okay I'll just put it bluntly when I finished I moaned out 'I love you'. Neither of us had expected it, but she didn't even seem shocked. Actually she told me she loved me too. That's what stopped it and I yelled at her because she didn't mean it the way I did and her fucking wedding was tomorrow and we both knew she'd choose him over me."

Most people wouldn't of noticed the way Kelley faltered at the end. Or the way she was playing with her hands to avoid fully focusing on what she was saying, Trademark things of a hurt O'Hara. "This doesn't sound like it was your fault Kell. If you're right and Alex knew how you felt it was extremely wrong of her to do that. Especially the night before the wedding. I'm so sorry she did that. It didn't stop there though did it?"

Her head shakes and she begins again, "We didn't speak for months after. Her and Serv were thriving and it was so clear how much they loved each other. Yeah it hurt like hell but I was still happy for her. The next camp we just happened to be roomed together and you know what they say; old habits die hard. It all finally stopped when I first met Em. Pretty soon after meeting her I told Alex that it wasn't right and that I wanted to move on. She told me that she genuinely did love me in the way she loves Serv but that I was right and we both needed to move on. So we did and here we are the best friends ever and rooming together."

Just then there was a knock at the door. "Shit that's so definitely Emily. Okay okay no panicking. OH CHRIS hide in the bathroom I don't want you walking out she'd think it's weird!" Before I can say anything about why she'd think it's weird I'm shoved into the bathroom. As the bathroom door shuts the room door opens and in walks Emily.

"Alright what's up Rose and Mal are coming over in like 10 minutes to watch a movie." Awkward silence follows until Emily adds, "Which you can totally come too if you want I- we always love to have you around." If I had to guess I'd say they were both blushing right about now. "Sounds fun I'm down if you still want me to after this that is." It's like all of her confidence is slipping away by the second. Emily seems to pick up on it too. "Dude are you okay you're like totally pale and your fidgeting?" Come on Kelley get it out I know you can. "Sorry yeah I'm great just... well you know how the other day Abby was teasing me about some girl?" Laughter follows and then, "Oh yeah who knew Abby had mad bants?" Kelley lets out a nervous laugh that surely Emily could tell was forced. "I know I said there was no way I was telling you who the girl is but thanks to Christen I've been talked into telling." "Okayyyyy so who is this unfortunate soul?"

"You're totally gonna laugh and think I'm joking but it's actually you..."

Seconds went by and Emily hadn't said a thing. "Shit I shouldn't of told you that. Just forget about it you can go watch the movie and you never have to talk to me again and..." She's suddenly cut off by Emily's voice, "Can it Kell will you I'm trying to think if we have time to make out right now." A gasp escapes my lips. No way am I standing in here while they get it on. "OH MY GOD Sonnet do you know how much you just fucking scared me?" Emily erupts into laughter. "Hey that's no way to talk to the lady you're trying to win over. Where's that southern hospitality we always talk about?" The door makes a sound and it's clear one of them has been pressed up against it. "Oh I'll show you southern hospitality Sonny." Yep that's my cue to open it.

I burst through the door causing the blonde to scream and jump straight into Kelley's arms. "Sorry guys but I was not about to listen to you two get it on." Emily looks absolutely mortified and Kelley's giving me the most serious death glare I've ever seen. "Enough of me though get back to that! By the way Em I hear Kelley gives the 'best damn orgasms' on the team so have fun tonight." Her face turns bright red and she looks up at Kelley. "Press if there wasn't a witness here right now you'd so be dead." Her tone gives it away that she's only halfway kidding so I take it as a sure sign for me to leave. After closing the door I hear Emily say, "Guess we'll see if what Chris said was true. Gotta say though now you have a lot to live up to." Yeah they're perfect for each other.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket

Meet outside of my room at 11?

I fire back a text saying that works for me. Now to figure out what to do with my remaining three hours.

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