Chapter 16

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After the brief hallway event we couldn't keep our hands off eachother. Kinda makes me feel like a horny teenage boy, but I've wanted this for so long. I think that's a good enough excuse to act a little bit like a teenage boy.

The last days at camp are filled with us sneaking off whenever we can. Tobin hasn't said anything else about Alex which could be considered a good sign, but it definitely means she isn't completely over her. Probably gonna talk to her about that later before we have to leave.

A ball comes flying at me and it brings me back to reality. "Sorry Christen!" Mal's face is bright red and she's surrounded by Lindsey, Rose, Emily, and Sam. "Don't worry about it!"

The past few days practice has been incredibly good for me. Continuously beating the defenders, yes even Becky, and even being able to score on Alyssa most of the time. I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with Tobin. Maybe some of her magic has rubbed off on me while she was well, rubbing me.

Today's no different. My passes are flowing extremely well and I even scored a header at the beginning.

"Christen may I talk to you after practice?" Vlatko asks as he approaches me. "Of course coach." He sends me a small smile before walking off to presumably reprimand Kelley and Emily for goofing off too much.

"What'd Vlakto want?" My body jerks and I turn around to see Tobin standing behind me. "I'm not really sure actually." Her body language changes and suddenly she's swaying on her feet and biting on her lip. "He wanted to talk to me too. I have a feeling it's about the no girlfriends at camp thing. He's bound to of heard about us... or I mean what we've been doing."

Shit shit shit! Ellis once found out Ashlyn snuck into Ali's room and they didn't get to play in a whole tournament as punishment.

"Crap." "Yeah crap."

The remaining hour goes by much faster than I would've liked. Back at the hotel I find myself heading to the small conference room on the ground floor.

When I arrive Tobin's already there pacing. "I'm so dumb Chris oh my god. I shouldn't of let it keep going. It's so unprofessional of me and..."

She stops when she sees the look on my face.

"Shit no Chris just because of what I knew could happen. Wait no that doesn't sound right I meant what could happen career wise. I've loved what we've been doing and I wanna do more just not here."

Just then Vlakto opens the door and we step in. "Alright ladies sit down." We take seats next to eachother and he sits down across from us. "As you two know we have a rule here to ensure focus on what we came here to do which is soccer. No girlfriends at camp. So do you two have anything to say regarding this rule?"

Brown eyes meet mine and I can tell it's a silent plea to get us out of this. "We aren't dating coach." Tobin's body tenses and she looks down.

"While that may be so the rule extends to... um... certain other activities that based on your necks you two have participated in."

My cheeks are burning and I'm gonna guess Tobin's are too.

"What are you gonna make us do?" Tobin squeaks out clearly anxious.

"Oh girls I'm not gonna make you two do anything. I'm not sure what Ellis's punishment was for this stuff, but I was going to say to keep it out of camp since it seems to be a first time occurrence. Make sure to also tell someone on the coaching staff if your relationship status changes. I wish you the best of luck with all of this girls and Christen you've been on fire recently."

Both of our mouths are agape. "You-you aren't gonna punish us?" I elbow Tobin when she says it.

"No ladies just don't let it happen again and we won't have any problems. You are dismissed."

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