Chapter 14

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This chapter will just be smut so if you don't like that just skip it. It wont have any real significance to the plot.

The journey back to the elevator is full of stumbling and nervous kisses. Our lips stay connected most of the way hence the stumbling. Seconds after those metal doors open my back hits the wall.

Tobin's body is pressed against mine a moment later and our lips are back together again. Tanned hands find their way up my legs and come to a stop on my hips. I take this moment to gain a little momentum of my own.

I drag my hands down her torso and then slip one under her shirt. She gasps at the contact and leans even further into me. My hand runs along the waistband of her pants before lightly traveling upward. I take my time running it along her abs that are just as defined as they were in my dream.

My journey upward continues until I hit the bottom of her sports bra. I decide to be a little bold and drag my thumb under it. She shivers a bit under my touch, but her lips don't falter against mine.

Another inch of going up and I've hit my destination. Gently I cup one of her boobs and drag my thumb across it. When it hits her hardened nipple she lets out a full moan and her lips latch into my neck.

The elevator dings signaling we've reached our floor and she wastes no time dragging me out. We reach our room and she fumbles with the keycard before getting the door open.

Once again my back is up against something, this time it's the now closed hotel room door. She resumes her position of her hands resting on my hips and her lips on my neck.

They kiss and suck their way along my jawline and then down my throat. Definitely leaving a few marks that I will later find out to be impossible to hide.

"Shirt off Chris." I lift my back off the door and almost rip the shirt off of me. "Good Chris." A small moan comes out in response and she pauses grinning against my neck. "You like that huh?"

And fuck that shouldn't be as hot as it is. All my body can come up with to do is nod my head in response. "Good because I like it too." Another moan leaves my mouth and she's back sucking at the pulse point near my collar bone.

My hands get restless and I slip both of them under her shirt. They feel every inch of her toned stomach and I already know I'm gonna get addicted to it. "Tobs can I take this off?" My voice comes out uneven and unsure, but she says yes anyway.

The shirt comes off with ease and I'm finally able to take in everything that I've always tried so hard not to stare at. I must stare for a while because now she's laughing a bit and saying, "See something you like?"

"Actually I do." In that moment I push off of the door and push her onto the bed beneath me. "Shit Chris I'll admit that took me by surprise."

Our fingers interlock and I trap her hands on the bed. "You haven't seen anything yet." I throw my left leg over her hips so i'm straddling her and roughly connect our lips. It doesn't take long for the girl under me to get restless and begin pushing against my hands that are restraining her. "Please Chris I want... I want to touch you."

In the brief moment my hands let up on the pressure she manages to flip us over. This time her lips don't land on mine but instead on the space not covered by my grey sports bra. Her eyes look up into mine as she travels along the edge of my bra.

My hands find my way to her hair all while she begins to leave light marks along my chest. "Can I take this off?" I lift my arms up and allow her to slip it off of me.

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