Chapter 17

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If I ever though being away from Tobin before was the hardest thing ever I was wrong. Being away from her now is so much worse. Not because of a lack of communication, it's the opposite actually.

Now there's good morning texts, facetime calls that can only last a few minutes, pictures shared, long voicemails, and so much more.

It isn't necessarily a bad thing in fact it's probably a good sign if you ignore how clingy it makes me sound. I definitely don't need her or anything except I'm beginning to feel like I do.

Our feelings are never brought up except when we end calls with "I love you" and it's clear that it means more than it used to.

Friendships are the foundation of any good relationship, and there's no doubt that this month has improved our friendship. Most times I know what she's about to say before the words come out of her mouth and I'm positive it's the same for her.

Now it's only a day before I see her again and presumably resume where we left off. Hopefully even go on that date that was mentioned.

As if on cue my phone chimes with an all too familiar ringtone.

So do you want to be normal and have a date at a normal time or do it our own style and let me sneak you out at night and take you somewhere?

Well I can't say I was expecting her to ask about it, especially over text.

If you're taking me why don't you pick? I'll like whatever you decide.

So unhelpful Chris give a girl something to go off of... I just really want you to have a good time.

My stomach flutters a little as I read the text. Of course she'd want it to be good, but hearing her say it is just so endearing.

Really Tobs anything with you I'll love. Wouldn't hurt if it was something outdoors though. I've heard Florida can be very nice at this time of year.

Chris Florida is nice at all times of the year, but yeah I can definitely work with that. Can't wait to see you tomorrow :)

Same here I gtg pack, but I'll call you when I land tomorrow morning okay?

Okay, night Chris I love you.

I love you too.

Becky hasn't been shy about voicing her concern over how quickly we jumped into saying I love you. I tried to explain to her how natural it felt since we had been best friends and all but she just didn't get it.

Honestly there was no point in not saying it. Maybe if we were different people it'd be too much, but not with us. Plus you never know when life is going to screw you over and take someone a way. Better to not waste anymore time since we've already wasted years.

After packing the little clothes I need for camp I check the time to see it's far past the time i'd normally be in bed. Shit I always do this the day before we leave.

Right as I slip into bed my phone goes off yet again. This time the culprit of the sound is none other than Kelley.

Bring a coat to Orlando!

Why on earth would I need a coat in Orlando?

Kell when was the last time you went to Orlando? I definitely do not need a coat.

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