Chapter 15

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As I wake up there's an unfimilar but comforting warmth all around me. I allow myself to sink into it and bury my face. A groggy voice murmurs, "Morning Chris" and then the memories from last night flood into my head. Nothing to complain about there that's for sure.

"Morning Tobs what time is it?" If we're late again the ridicule will be even worse than the last time. "Don't know, grab my phone it's right there on the nightstand."

My hand reaches over and grabs it already seeing at least 5 texts from Allie and that we are yet again late. "Might wanna answer Allie and we really need to get better at alarms it's already 8:30."

Tobin groans and closes her eyes. "Do you think we'd get in that much trouble if we just skipped. Surely they won't miss us too much."

We probably wouldn't get in that much trouble, but there'd be so many questions if we did. "Come on Tobs we gotta go it'll be worse if we don't."

"Fine but kiss me first." I hesitate for just a moment before she continues whispers "please?"

I lean it and place a quick and gentle kiss on her lips. "Much better! Now let's get moving!"

This time we are careful about not mixing up any clothes. It's when she's putting on a sports bra I notice all the marks I left. I must've gasped because she's looking at me with raised eyebrows. "I- your neck is um." She seems to get what I'm trying to say and brings her hand up to her neck.

"Could say the same about you actually." Both of us rush to the bathroom mirror and inspect ourselves. In conclusion no amount of concealer would remotely cover these up.

"What do we do?" Honestly there's nothing to do here. God this is gonna be awful.

"Guess we just have to face the music?" I mean for it to come out a lot more encouraging than it actually does.

"Guess so. What are we gonna say when they uh see?" There's not really a way to lie in this scenario. If we even tried someone would for sure call us out.

"You know the team there's no point in lying I say we just don't make any direct comments and hope for the best."

We finish putting on the rest of our clothes and begrudgingly head to the meal room. As soon as we open the doors 21 pairs of eyes flick to us.

"Oh. My. God." That statement from Mallory summed up the faces of everyone in the room. "Hey Mal I think your moms may be trying to make another baby!" Emily yells it and Tobin sends her a glare that silently says 'Don't you dare uutter another word.'

As we make grab plates and fill them with breakfast essentials the room is uncomfortably quiet. Although it's early breakfast is never ever a quiet event.

When Tobin and I turn around to head to the tables everyone's eyes stay glued to us. "Tobs it looks like they want us to make some sort of announcement..."

She only nods next to me and pulls me to a table with only Becky and Carli. Even the two most mature on the team can't help but gawk at us.

Carli breaks the silence, "You know there's a rule right? No girlfriends at camp." The statement is said so casually that it shocks both of us.

"No we..."

"Actually uh..."

Upon interrupting eachother we both just go silent. "Please tell me you guys aren't in that awkward stage where you just did it and now don't know what you are?"

Right on the money there Carli.

"Oh you actually are sorry guys..."

No one else says anything after Carli's apology.

Tobin and I are in that stage but it doesn't have to be awkward right? We're still best friends who can be perfectly functional they'll see.

They do see throughout the day we act totally normal, sitting together on the bus, goofing off at training, whispering whenever one of us thinks somethings funny.

There's no change in our regular routine until during dinner she drags me out of the room and pulls me into a corner.

"Whatcha doin Tobs?" Her intentions are obvious considering how her pupils are blown and she's practically heaving.

"I know we aren't officially a thing yet..."

Oh my god she said yet!

"but I can't stop remembering how good last night felt. How good it felt to touch you everywhere. How good it was hear you moan my name over and over."

Her voice drops into a whisper, "How good it felt to watch you come undone underneath me."

Just like that my whole body feels like it's on fire. "Jesus Tobs you can't just say that."

The truth was I've been remembering every second of it too. I mean how could I not I had slept with Tobin Heath the girl i've been in love with for what felt like forever.

"Don't drag me here and tease me. Do something about it instead." If possible her eyes grow even darker and she's all over me within seconds.

Our location is in no way ideal, but she's definitely making the most of it. Smooth hands slide up stomach and under my bra. She tweaks my nipples and my legs are already shaking.

"Tobs please just... just... fuck." Chapped lips are sucking on the most sensitive part of my neck that shes somehow already discovered.

I don't even notice her hand moving until it's under the elastic of my pants and buried in my underwear.

"Oh god Chris you're soaking." No reply is needed as two of her fingers slip inside. My arms fly around her neck to keep myself up.

Within seconds of entering she's already hitting the exact spot that makes me go crazy. "Fuck fuck fuck oh my god."

At this rate i'm going to come embarrassingly quickly. This seems to be exactly what she wants. She brings her lips right up to my ear and asks if she can tell me something.

There's a hint of nervousness in her voice, but it isn't evident in any other part of her demeanor.

"I like it like this. I like fucking you in public knowing anyone could see. Knowing anyone could see how you're a mess just for my fingers."

Her words send a shockwave all through my body and just like that i'm unraveling against a hotel wall.

When I come to all I can get out is, "Me too."

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