Chapter 22

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Freya pulled up the hem of her dress to allow her to run better. She beamed and spread her arms towards Elijah, whom was slowly making his way towards her. He smiled at his beloved and spread his arms to catch her as she jumped into his arms. He lowered her so that her lips were within reach and Freya bent down to kiss him contently.

“Ugh”, Esther muttered from behind her window as she watched the happy couple. She wished her son all the happiness in the world, just not with that Marwick girl. Her sons had the right to a normal life, not one with witches involved. Esther herself had witnessed herself how hard it was to be married to a normal man. Her magic had corrupted Mikael as he did often not understand it and had turned him into a soulless and suspicious being he was today. She did not wish her sons the same fate and therefore did anything to ruin their relationships with the Marwick siblings.

Esther took a deep breath and composed herself, ridding herself of the previous glare she held. She pushed the door of her hut and walked outside, joining Freya and Elijah who were still in each other’s arms. She cleared her throat, catching their attention.

Freya immediately pulled back from Elijah but kept one hand upon his chest as she faced Esther.

“Elijah”, Esther smiled lovingly at her son. “And Freya”, she said having a hard time faking a smile. “I would like you to join dinner tonight, with out family.”

“Really?”, Freya exclaimed happily. She glanced excitedly at Elijah and replied to Esther with a yes. “I will see you tonight then”, Esther smiled before leaving the couple behind. A vicious smirk played on her lips as she reentered her hut.

Freya had been bombarded with endless questions, some of which she did not find fitting to answer. Mikael was the worst, firing her with improper curiosities on his behalf, though Freya suspected on Esther’s behalf too.

“I believe she is getting uncomfortable”, Niklaus noticed and dried his chin with his napkin.

“Really?”, Kol smiled cheekily and slapped his brother’s shoulder. He was mocking her, which made Freya even more uncomfortable than she already was. She had been warned of Kol’s jokes, but took them hard nevertheless.

Freya felt a reassuring squeeze in her knee and turned her head to receive a compassionate look from Elijah. He smiled coyly, trying to tell her that everything was fine, but could not convince Freya entirely. The witty remarks she had tried to make were not received well by Mikael and caused Esther to frown. Rebekah sometimes shot Freya a pitying look and Finn had stayed quiet throughout the entire night, as if his mind had drifted elsewhere.

Esther watched how Freya casted her eyes down at her lap after looking at Elijah and smiled pleased. Her plan to scare Freya away seemed to be working. She had spent the entire afternoon complaining about Freya to Mikael, causing him to dislike her beforehand; she knew her husband well enough. Rebekah and Henrik were told to be polite and behave. In order to do so, they stayed quiet so that they would not upset their mother with their behavior, or in Rebekah's case her endless chatter.

As Freya raised her glass of water, her movements were closely followed by Esther. Playing a mind-trick, Esther unsteadied Freya’s grip on the glass making her drop in onto her lap.

Esther was determined to reveal the girl’s powers and humiliate her in front of her family. Freya’s reaction pleased her all too well.

In reflex, Freya’s brown eyes widened at the falling glass and she unconsciously caught it with her new discovered power. The glass floated above her lap for a slight second, the contents already half empty, before she released the glass and let it fall onto her best dress. She immediately pushed her chair back and stood up. She tried to pat her soaked lap and grasped a napkin from the table.

Kol was laughing hard and Niklaus chuckled behind his hand. Elijah looked worried as he eyed Freya’s sad face and glanced at his mother, who was grinning amused. Mikael did not seem pleased and looked almost angry.

“I’m sorry”, Freya apologized and shot Elijah a sorry look before hurrying outside. Elijah followed her quickly and closed the door behind him. The night sky was pitch black and the streets were abandoned. It was already late and most people were either asleep or enjoying time spent with their families inside their huts.

“Freya”, he called out after her and ran to her side. He grasped her upper arm and pulled her back, forcing her to face him. He caught a small teardrop that shimmered in the moonlight, rolling down her cheek and gently wiped it away with his thumb as he hushed her.

“I don’t know what happened”, Freya said and sounded upset. “I’m so sorry. I tried so hard to impress your family, but I – I just….”

“It’s alright”, Elijah said and pulled her in a tight embrace. His hand trailed up and down her spine in a soothing manner as he laid rested his chin on top of her head. “Let’s take a walk.”

Freya pulled back from Elijah’s warm embrace and accepted his offer gladly by nodding her head. Though a few teardrops still slid halfway down her cheek, she managed to smile and intertwined her fingers with Elijah’s. He walked her to the white oak tree where both of them lay down between the blue flowers.

Freya snuggled close to Elijah’s chest, her head moving up and down with the rhythm of his breathing. As Freya looked up at the stars that decorated the night sky so beautifully, she felt the pressure of Elijah’s soft lips upon her face as he placed a trail of kisses along her face and down to her neck. His lips moved upon her skin as if searching for something and stopped when Elijah had found his response. A soft moan escaped Freya’s full lips as Elijah started nibbling right above her collarbone.

Freya threw her head back at the pleasurable sensation that she had never felt before and pulled Elijah closer to her. Elijah responded by moving his lips back up to hers and kissed them passionately, one hand roaming in her long dark waves while the other slowly trailed down.

Freya felt Elijah’s hand travel past her hips to her thighs and just below her knee as he gently pulled her leg up. Freya in return straddled him and started kissing his neck. A gasp escaped her lips when she felt her dress being pulled up. Elijah’s hand gently caressed the bare skin of her leg and looked to see why Freya all of a sudden stopped kissing him.

 He could read the shock in her eyes and instantly felt a feeling of guilt. “My apologies. I did not…”

“No”, Freya whispered and stared directly into his dark eyes. “Please continue”, she begged him and pulled him by his collar in order to press her lips firmly onto his. She kissed him passionately like he had done to her and let him pull up her skirt entirely.

For the first time in her life, Freya experienced what real love was like.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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