Chapter 16

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Isibel watched her older sister Grida leave the hut early in the afternoon and watched her disappear in the mass of people. Today was a sunny day and perfect to let her plan take off.

“Asta, could you braid my hair?”, Isibel yelled through the hut in order to reach her oldest sister, who was sitting in her room probably knitting some clothes.

 “Of course”, Asta replied when she had already reached the living space of the hut. She pulled out a chair and made her younger sister sit on it so it would be easier for her to braid. Asta could not help but be curious as to why Isibel was wearing her best dress and wanted her hair to get braided. It probably had something to do with a boy…

“So”, Asta started playfully as her hands started braiding. “What’s the occasion?”, she asked. 

“Excuse me?”, Isibel replied offended.

“You’re wearing your best dress. You ask me to braid your hair, you haven’t stopped smiling since you woke up this morning; Who is it you’re going after?”, Asta smiled curiously. Isibel bit her lip to contain herself from spilling any information to her sister. She did not want to confirm anything until matters were official. Besides Asta probably wouldn’t approve because the young man that had captured Isibel’s eyesight was Finn’s brother, and it was clear that Asta like Finn…a lot.

“I do not need to answer such rude question”, Isibel answered rigidly and held her head up high. She praised her own resoluteness and jumped up from the chair as soon as Asta was finished. She thanked Asta and walked outside with a basket dangling from her arm.

She mixed in the crowd and eyed her surroundings carefully, trying to find him.

For a couple of minutes Isibel was pushed and pulled as busy people passed from every direction, until she finally spotted him, Kol Mikaelson. He was talking to a very beautiful woman that looked slightly familiar to Isibel. The woman’s long curly brown hair reminded Isibel of satin sheets and her lightly tanned skin was as flawless as could be. After staring for a while it crossed Isibel’s mind where she’d seen the woman before; she had been bathing her child when Isibel and her family had first arrived in theNew World.

Isibel’s previous intimidation faded quickly as she realized that this woman must’ve been married already. The only thing she didn’t take into account was that the child could be Kol’s.

Isibel approached the talking pair confidently as she strode towards them with a bright smile that graced her beautiful face. She stopped at a small distance and cleared her throat.

“Hello Kol”, she greeted the tallest Mikaelson with a dashing smile. Isibel batted her lashed and twisted her upper body from left to right while keeping her gazed focused upon Kol. The Mikaelson brother abruptly stopped his conversation with the beautiful woman and glanced at Isibel with a rater dull expression.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?”, he said and seemed to pain his brains as he pinched his eyes at her. Isibel’s smile did not falter and instead of feeling being disappointed like most girls would, she did back down and became even more determined to leave a good impression. 

“I’m Isibel Marwick, Agnes’ daughter. We have been introduced to each other yesterday”, Isibel said and held out her hand. Kol stared at her small hand for a moment as if deciding whether to shake it or not. Eventually his eyes shot up to her face and his hand touched hers as he shook it without saying anything.

“I see. Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe I was having a conversation with Lady Tatiana”, he said clearly sounding annoyed. Without saying any goodbyes he returned to his conversation with Tatiana. The woman shot Isibel a confused glance before paying attention to Kol.

Isibel stared at the way his lips moved when he talked to the flawless Tatiana and wondered if she was ever going to find out how soft they were indeed after being turned down by Kol. She nodded her head and started turning away from him in a rather awkward way. She kept turning back and forth before eventually deciding to walk away. She looked back over her shoulder several times until he was no longer in sight.

Kol was talking to Tatiana when his brother Niklaus suddenly approached them.

“Niklaus”, Tatiana said seductively and ran a finger along his chest. “I was starting to worry that you might’ve forgotten about me.” The mischievous smile she carried on her face disappeared as soon as she saw his face. Kol was surprised that Tatiana had not seen the black eyes and stained blood around his mouth right away. Niklaus looked hideous.

“I have been busy”, Niklaus replied coldly and turned to his brother instead. He was not in the mood to talk to Tatiana right afterKanbeat him up in front of Grida.

“Did Mikael beat you up again?”, Kol asked worriedly. Niklaus was often victim of Mikael’s anger outbursts and his brothers tried to protect him as much as possible. The problem was, Mikael was simply terrifying.

“No brother, it wasn’t Mikael”, Niklaus replied and flinched when he touched his eye. “I got into a fight withKanthis time.”

“Kan?”, Kol replied suddenly amused. His brother had fought the most feared man of the village, a man that did not know nay mercy, and had actually survived it.

“Way to go brother”, Kol said smiling and slammed Niklaus’ shoulder-blade. Niklaus started couching and glared at his brother, who simply continued smiling. “Why did you do it again?”, Kol said frowning. He was not quiet sure whether Niklaus had given them the reason yet so decided to ask. Tatiana listened carefully.

“I- eh”, Niklaus stuttered and rubbed the back of his head. He could not talk about Grida in Tatiana’s presence and needed to find an excuse. “I beat him in a drinking contest at the tavern”, Niklaus answered.

“You? Brother you are a lightweight”, Kol said purposely hovering over his older brother. Niklaus snapped at Kol and pushed his chest. “I am not a lightweight”, Niklaus hissed through gritted teeth. Kol knew he wasn’t, but liked to play his brother. Niklaus had in fact, one of the best physics of the Mikealson brothers. Kol himself was slender built, yet muscularly, Finn was in good shape but did not train often, Henrik was simply a kid and Elijah was probably the strongest of the brothers.

Niklaus seemed to have calmed down and continued politely. “Was that Isibel Marwick with you earlier?”, Niklaus asked curiously. Kol nodded and glanced at Tatiana.

“I believe the girl fancies Kol”, she smirked with her arms crossed over her chest. “She seems a bit too young though.”

“She does”, Kol agreed laughing. He was amused by Tatiana’s comment. “She’s a fool to think I’d fall for a girl her age. I like my women…a little older”, he finished flirtatiously as he wiggled his eyebrows at Tatiana. She giggled, but stopped soon after when Niklaus spoke.

“Pity, she’s rather beautiful”, Niklaus added and walked away, leaving Kol behind with an irritated Tatiana. The woman kept quiet as she stared at Kol, who seemed to watching Niklaus walk away. 

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