Chapter 14

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A/N: I updated two chapters for you because 13 was kinda short !! Hope you'll like them :) And please vote, comment...just be aswesome!!;)

It was afternoon and Marwick family was ordered by Agnes to dress up. Agnes had been keen to introduce her daughters to Esther’s children and Esther had invited them to pay a visit. The two families met beneath the white oak tree and Esther immediately approached Agnes.

“How kind of you to come”, Esther smiled and held Agnes’s arms firmly in her hands. The look on the woman’s face was almost penetrating as she stared at Agnes. Esther’s long blond hair was swept to her back and her brown eyes were contrasted by a light blue dress, matching her daughter’s dress.

Maria watched the blonde girl standing next to her mother and couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. Her blond hair was unlike any of her own sister’s hair, which was a dark shade of brown, and the girl's hair shone in the sunlight. Her kind blue eyes noticed Maria and she smiled. Maria waved back before being distracted by Esther’s controlled voice.

“Agnes, I’d like to introduce my children to you family, since I hadn’t gotten the chance last night”, Esther spoke clearly. She half smiled before turning to her children and pointing each one out.

“This is my oldest son Elijah”, Esther said proudly. In the meantime Freya’s heart was racing like a deer running from its predator. She watched how Elijah politely smiled at Agnes and proceeded staring at the nervous wreck she was. Freya could not contain a grin as her eyes travelled over his face, studying every feature carefully. Her heart fell when she noticed that his face wore a blank expression and she knew exactly why. She had stood him up last night, though it unintentionally, but she did not have the heart to go and talk to him. She was brave, but her bravery did not defeat her heart. She was broken and bit her anxiously, trying to focus on any other Mikaelson sibling.

“My son Kol”, Esther introduced the tallest of all children. Isibel could not contain her smile and batted her eyelashes a couple of times. The attraction she felt towards the young man was indescribable and barely containable. It took every ounce of Isibel’s small body not to jump on him right away. She wanted to kiss those lips, feel his strong arms around her; her thoughts were driving her insane. Kol studied each of the Marwick sisters individually, letting his gaze linger for a few seconds before moving on the next. Isibel was most certain he paused a little longer when his eyes darted all over her face. She did not withhold the twitch in her eyes and winked at Kol, yet he didn’t seem to notice. He had already moved onto the next Marwick, Grida.

“My son Niklaus”, Esther introduced the sandy blonde haired man. Freya felt her blood boil as he only seemed to have eyes for her. Maybe it was recognition, but unfortunately his eyes sparkled with fascination. Grida wanted to slap him, kick him, anything to make him stop staring at her. She almost started feeling intimidated, something that was highly uncommon for the outspoken and confident Marwick sister. Eventually Niklaus decided to torture her even more and started smiling at her. Grida did not know what to do with herself anymore. With eyes of fire and steam escaping her ears, she did not move at all, afraid that the slightest movement might trigger an assault.

“My daughter Rebekah”, Esther introduced the blonde girl. Rebekah was the only one to speak to the girls.

“Hello”, she said cheery and smiled at the Marwick sisters.

“My son Henrik”, Esther said putting her hands on the little boys shoulder. He looked shy and didn’t dare look any of the Marwick family in the eye. “And last my son Finn.”

Asta did not know what overcame her when Finn focused on her first. “It is a pleasure meeting you all”, he said, turning to Asta last. Finn was in a happy mood, Asta could tell. Was it because he had run into her earlier that day? Or was it because he had met up with Tatiana today? Asta did not even want to know the answer to that last question. For all she knew she had his full attention and smiled radiantly at her love interest. Did that mean she was in love?

After the Marwick sisters were introduced by their mother Agnes, Esther excused herself and her child immediately and took them back their hut. But there was one Mikaelson that decided to come back. As the Marwick sister followed their mother through the streets of the village, a hand suddenly grasped Freya’s arm and yanked her back, making her squeal.

“My apologies, I did not intend to scare you”, Elijah said, slightly leaning down to decrease the difference in height. Freya smiled a little awkwardly and did not know what to say very well.

“It’s alright”, she whispered, still embarrassed about the fact that she had stood him up. He did not return her smile and it made her extremely insecure, not knowing what was going on through his mind. She had planned to avoid him whenever she was able to, but now it that Elijah had come after her, there was no turning back on him and running away. She needed to hear him out, maybe explain a few things.

Elijah broke the uncomfortable silence between them after he had been staring at her with what Freya identified as pain in his eyes. “You did not save me a dance last night”, Elijah bluntly said, realizing how rude he must’ve sounded. He regretted it as soon as he saw her eyes glister with sadness and guilt.

“I am truly sorry, Elijah”, Freya apologized and casted her eyes at the hard soil beneath her feet. She spotted a few tiny spots on the hem of her violet dress, even though she had only put it on an hour ago. “But you have to understand…”

“I accept your apology”, Elijah cut her off and gently lifted up her chin. He could not take his eyes off of her beautiful brown orbs and spied a small smile on her face. She was shy and a subtle tint of pink colored her fair skin. She was a true beauty; one that could make his heart beat faster. He had hurt her yesterday by leaving, but seeing her today made up for all of that. He removed his hand as gentle as he had put it under her chin and could not help but smile at her innocent face.

“I believe I do owe you an explanation”, Freya said not moving on her spot. She was close to him and he thought she might’ve uncomfortable at this distance but she did not bulge. Elijah stayed and heard her out about Grida and Maria, who both had gotten into trouble last night. Elijah could imagine that she would choose her family over him, after all family comes first.

“Freya!”, Isibel yelled from a great distance after noticing that her older sister had not arrived at home with the rest of the family. Freya smiled at her sister, who was waving eagerly and almost knocked and old man over with her exaggerated arm movements.

“I have to go before she harms anyone”, Freya said, causing Elijah to chuckle. He did indeed have to agree with Freya, for Isibel was fanatic.

“I”ll be looking forward to seeing you again”, Elijah said and kissed the back of her hand. Freya blushed and left him behind as she ran towards her little sister. The last thing Elijah saw of her before she disappeared in the crowded street was her long dark hair elegantly flowing in the air.

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