Club house

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Sirens gonna die
Just kiddin xD ... Or am I
Dun dun dunnnnnn.
Nah just joking c;
The continue of chp. Adventure.
Sirens POV.
" Your really gonna kill me. ;-;
After I buy you food." I said sobbing.
"Stop being a baby it looks better on the inside." Jane said grabbing my hand and taking me closer to the closed doors of a bunker.
"Nah nah nah I'm not going in there."
I said pulling back.
"Stop being stubborn you'll love it. I promise trust me." she said letting go and letting me fall to the ground covered in leaves,bugs and God knows what else.
"Mmmmmmmmmm fine." I sighed getting up, " but your going in first."
"Fine by me." she said proudly.
She pulled out a necklace with a key on it. She put the key in the lock, turning it slowly making a click sound and grabbing the lock before it fell. She pulled her hair behind her ear and pulled the two metal doors open making a boom.
" Is it even safe to be out here?" I questioned.
She just turned around smiled and jumped back falling into the hole.
" Oh my god !! Jane ! Janneee! Are you ok!!" I said yelling into the dark hole.
OMG she's dead and I was here to witness it OMG what do I do !?! omg I need a cover story Uhmm Uhmm
I can't do this shit. I have no choice ... I have to jump .
" God if your hearing I have no regrets oh and fuck you ." I said jumping thinking the worst.

It was pitch black, and it was silent all you could hear was my breathing. I started feeling around but all I could feel was a bunch of round things. " where am I ?" I whispered. where's Jane.
" Your in my wonderland."
I voice echoed out.
Everything around started turning on.
All these light bulbs hanging on the ceiling some beach balls to.
There was a train tracks on the wall leading into hallways.
Paintings hanging ,pictures too, all this really nice stuff.
" I thought you were dead!" I said looking around me. I was in a ball pit.
"Yeah there was a 50 percent chance of missing the ball pit but I'm here and that jump line though ." Jane said jumping up cheering and laughing.
" You little." I got up getting balls and throwing them at her.
" Hey hey hey stop stop UNCLE! Let me show you around then we'll play ok." she said walking into a hallway and through a transparent curtain.
It was a gaming room full of arcade games, pinball machines, even a pool table.
"The game room." she said turning and opening a door showing me the restroom.
" Woah! How is this even possible, like we're did you get the money to do this." I said turning to see her face.
" Whale after the parents died. I got the rest of the family money enough to make this place.. it's all I have left of them." she said walking down the hall.
" Oh ... sorry for asking." I said thinking of how stupid it was of me to ask.
"It's fine, come follow me." she said leading me into a dark little room.
" Jane I can't see anything." I said feeling around touching the wall and metal frames maybe.
" Wait the lights take a while." she said whispering like something magical was gonna happen.
"Ok...." I waited and then bam the lights started flickering and then fully turned on revealing beautiful art and books like a little library.
" Wow this is amazing." I whispered.
" I spent most of my time in here." she said walking up to the book shelfs.
" Did you paint these?" I said
" Some of them. Most of them are Mothers. They're beautiful right?" She said grabbing a book.
" They're amazing " I said looking at different ones.
"This ones my favorite." Jane said walking up to a painting that had a little girls back view swinging in a swing hanging from a tree in the spring time with roses and trees around her.
"Kinda looks like you ." I said almost in a whisper.
" It's because it is me. It was mothers last painting." she said smiling." I was her model."
" That's cute." I said grabbing the worn out book she was holding in her hand.
"What's this?" I questioned.
"A book of fables&mythology. My father would read it to me when I was little." she said grabbing it back.
" You have a lot of memories in here." I said looking around.
"Yeah? I don't think so seems like to little to me." she said going to a dusty bean bag and sitting in it.
" Your free to go, don't break anything. We'll leave later, ok " she said opening the book and turning the page with so much care.
"Ummm I guess that's my queue to leave then. If you need me I'll be getting lost in the game room probably, ok." I said walking up to her and hugging her . " Wait, am I the first ever guy to be here?"
"Yes." She said looking up confused at my question.
" ONE STEP FOR MAN." I said walking away like a astronaut on the moon.
" Ummm wait Nope." she said smiling.
"No steps for man." I said making a cry face.
" Just kidding." She said laughing.
"Awe fuck you." I said laughing and running up to her to tickle her.
"OMG no stop stop please I beg you." she said now under me.
"Your so beautiful." I let out.
oh shit I said that out loud.
" Do you really think so?" She said looking kinda sad," I'm nothing compared to the people you date."
" You know what your right Jane...
Your nothing compared to them but it's because your better then all of them." I said leaning in to kiss her.
I could feel the rush of the kiss and then leaned away, getting off of her.
She just laid there blushing.
"Whale I'm gonna go game now." I said breaking the silence. I got up and dusted myself and helped Jane up.
"Why do you do that." she whispered.
" Do what?" I said confused.
"You try to blow off what you just did." she said looking away." was it not good, did you not like it ? Did I do something wrong?"
"Jane your perfect, sorry if I made you feel like it was a bad thing to kiss you. It's just I have a feeling you just wanna be friends..and I'll just fuck it up." I said sitting on the floor again.
she sat down next to me , " But what if I don't wanna just be friends what if I wanna risk our friendship just to be with you?"
"Do you really wanna do that Jane. Im not worth it trust me." I said sighing
" You are to me." she said now kissing me on the lips.

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated I was sick but now I'm better I might update every three days or so ok cx . so ppl can catch up with the story
I feel ten times better now tho cx.
Love you my angels

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