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Sorry I haven't updated guys I've been dying in bed. I feel so sick .
This Chp. Is going bk to Jane and siren c;
They fell asleep together <3.
Ship all the way! XD

Jane's POV.
What's this? It feel so soft and nice and warm, it feels good, I thought as I hugged this object. And then I opened my eyes to see Siren. I freaked inside for a moment then I realized, I'd asked him to stay with me for a while before I slept.
I started cuddling with him a little more, and closed my eyes again.
Suddenly I felt him turn around. Making me open my eyes. His face was only centimeters away from my face making me blush at the thought of kissing him. He looked so peaceful, like a little baby having rainbow unicorn dreams. I bit my lip, should I , i really want to , is it good timing ??? Ugh nah never mind I won't do it. As I was gonna turn the other way Siren leaned in touching my lips. He was just pressing his lips against mine, is he kissing me. Wait , what, is he even awake???? He opened his eyes freaking out, " woah!!! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to JESUS don't kill me." He said backing up causing him to fall on the floor.
" Siren it's fine." I said looking down to see him. " I mean I was thinking it anyways, even if you didn't do it purposely." I said stretching.
" Really?" He said making sure I wasn't tricking him.
"Yea , I don't know it felt like good timing, a feeling , it's probably nothing." I said smiling.
"Siren...... Why are you in boxers...." I said widening my eyes.
" Ohh Ummm I didn't have pjs so I just took my pants off." he said rubbing his head.
I threw a pillow at him hitting him on the head , "GO PUT SOME PANTS ON."
"Gosh you were so much cuter when you were a sleep." He said sighing.
He got up from the floor, putting pants on, I just laid back down.
"So, it's the morning what do you feel like doing." he said smiling at me and throwing the pillow at me.
"Ughhh I don't know." I said protecting myself with my arms.
"I'm hungry make me some food." I said covering myself again.
"What!? Me make YOU food, I'm the guest you make ME food." he said Pulling the blanket off and getting on top of me holding my arms down.
" I saved you. Least you could do is make me food." I said turning my head.
" I saved you to." he mumble.
I kicked my leg over flipping him to be under me.
" It was a moment of weakness ok. I can take care of myself very well." I said holding his hands down now.
" Can you now?" He said looking looking up at me. He shook his hands out and started tickling me. "Siren sto- w-wait that's cheating!" he started tickling me really hard. " you can take care of yourself huh ?" He said laughing.
I pushed him off saying, " yes I can now come here."
He got up and ran for it, right out the door.
"Get your ass over here." I got up going out the door.
" Damn it siren you can't hide forever!" I yelled out.
I saw the restroom door close.
" Got you " I whispered.
I walked in slowing opening the door turning the lights on and walking to the shower curtains.
"Your in for it now siren." I said opening the curtains to nothing but soaps.
" Nope but I got you." he said turning me around kissing me.
I tried to push him away but the kiss kind of just over whelmed me.
"How about we just go out to eat?"
He said after he was done kissing me. JESUS Christ he acts like nothing happened.
"Your paying." I mumbled
" Fine." he sighed
He then walked out the restroom.
" I'll give you 20 minutes to get ready."
"Let me shower at least." I said walking out after him.
"You smell fine." He said walking to the living room.
" Ughhhh fine let me just change." I said walking to my room, closing the door behind me.
I put my body against the shut door, leaning my head back.
He kissed me I thought as I touched were his lips had left.
I tried to forget the whole thing all together so I started getting ready to go eat.
~15 minutes later~
I decided I was gonna wear my hair up and a nice white blouse with ripped jeans.
As we sat in the car we both thought ok, what now.
"Where should we eat?" Siren said just turning the car on.
"Ummmmm McDonalds maybe?" I said thinking.
" Oh my god I know were to take you." He with excitement.
"Where we going." I said with curiosity.
"You'll find out." He said with a smile.
~5 minute drive later~
" Where here!" He said turning into ihop.
"Everyone loves this morning place." He said parking.
"Yeah it's good enough to eat at." I said taking my seatbelt off and getting off the car.
We headed inside and did the usual follow the waitress to the the table thing. Felt like a maze she kept turning and walking, sad part was there was a bunch of free tables so what was the hassle for? There was only like two families here.
After a whole tour of the place ,we sat down next to a window with a view of the road we came from.
The lady then asked us what we wanted to drink I said hot coco and Siren all fancy pants said he wanted coffee. A couple of minutes later she came back almost spilling coffee on Siren. Man someone should really do something about this waitress, she's gonna kill someones crouch if she succeeds on spilling hot stuff.
"Hey ... Siren." I said starring into the hot chocolate I was mixing around with a spoon.
"Yeah." He said before picking his cup to take a sip of coffee.
"What's your mom like." I said looking up at him now.
"My mom," he said taking a pause, "is like one of those moms that when you bring guest over she's nice, kind, sweet, but then when the guest leaves... she goes back to hating you." He said sighing then taking a sip of coffee.
"Sorry for asking." I said taking a sip of my drink now.
"It's fine everyone has there family problems." He said looking at me with a smile.
"How can you be so cheerful. Even after what happen Friday?" I said getting upset.
"Does it bother you that I can brush it off so fast? I try not letting my problems phase me, I stopped wishing for another life because I knew it was never going to happen. So now I just wish for a better tomorrow." He said starring at the coffee.
"I guess I understand you in away, obviously I didn't always live in the house I live in now I lived with my" I said being cut off by the waitress.
She handed Siren his classic pancakes, earning a wink from Siren causing her to blush.
I just rolled my eyes, she then handed me my berry pancakes. I stared pouring strawberry syrup on them.
" go figure." Siren mumbled under his breath.
" Do you have a problem with strawberry syrup?!?" I said glaring at him while still pour more syrup.
" No it's just... nothing just funny."He said smiling putting some maple syrup on his.
"Weirdo." I said cutting some of my pancake and then stuffing it into my mouth.
After what seemed like a never ending stack of pancakes, we both finally finished.
"Ughhhh I can't move." I groaned
"I feel like I'm pregnant." Siren said rubbing his tummy.
"I feel like the kid that turns into a fat blueberry by the end of Willy Wonka." I said also rubbing my tummy.
" Ok let's go." I said
" Are we leaving?" I question Siren.
"Just wait ... one moment . I'm working on it. .... ok let's go." he said not even moving.
"You ok there brah ?" I said to Siren.
"Jane..... I'm sorry to say but your gonna have to roll me out of here." He said seriously.
" You kidding me" I said =_=
" Ok let me try one more time." he said moving causing to fall to the floor. "im done for just leave me here, save yourself."He said dramatically.
"Ok ." I said smiling pretending to walk away.
"JESUS SHUT UP!" I said picking him up carrying him to the car as fast as I could. After shoving his fat ass in the car I went to sit in the driver seat.
" I'm driving give me the keys before you pass out on a sugar overdose." I said putting my hand out. He then handed me the keys with a pouty face.
I turned the car on and started driving on the road.
He turned the music on, flipping through the radio stations.
" OMG I love this song." He said excited like.
" I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKED IT!!!!" He started yelling out.
I quickly turned the music off.
"What was that for party pooper?" he said with a pouty face.
"Let's just say I'd like to keep my hearing." I said stopping at the red light.
" Hey aren't you suppose to me in the turning lane to go to your place." he said curious like.
" I'm gonna take you somewhere." I said pressing the gas and keeping my eyes on the road.
" So this is it were it ends huh. Your gonna torture me and make me your sex slave." He said sighing
" JESUS lord no!!! If anything I'd just tie you up slowly cut you everywhere and put salt and lemon on your cuts." I said viciously.
" Damn, I feel like I don't even know you anymore. Remind me not to piss you off." he said trying move as far a way as possible.
"I'm taking you to a place I use to go to after my parents died." I said slowing down to yet another red light.
" Really ? Why?" He questioned.
" I don't know, I feel like you should know." I simply replied.
" It's not far from here. A couple more lights and we'll be at the place." I said looking at him.
After a couple minutes of having to deal with Sirens nagging of where we were going we made it.
A empty field of grass and in a far distance a little forest of trees.
" This looks like the beginning of a horror movie." He whispered.
"Shut up and just follow me before you get lost." I said laughing.
We got off the car and I lead the way.
I never got lost in here because for every couple of trees I'd carve a arrow pointing to where I needed to go.

Sirens POV.
dear God if I die now please let it be a peaceful death, I thought as I followed Jane through this demonic forest. After walking for a couple of moment she stopped walking causing me to bump into her.
"Sorry." I said with a low voice.
"It's ok we're here." she said pointing to a what looked like a bunker of some sorts.

I think I'm gonna stop it here cx
Because if I don't it's gonna get really long xD
I love you my angels im still dying ;-;

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