Friday c;

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Asuna POV .
"What were you children thinking ? Starting a fight in the middle of lunch." The principle said scolding all of us.
The rest all started answering at the sometime, I just stayed quit.
I'm not even suppose to be here I'm the victim they threw shit at me first.
"Everyone shut your mouths!" The principle yelled , shutting everyone up . "Look children we have witnesses saying that you all are the culprits of why the lunch room is the way it is now. And because you children are to blame ,you all will have after-school community service for 2 weeks. Also you are to spend the rest of this Friday helping the custodians clean up the lunch room . You all are now dismissed."
Everyone sighed, mad dogging each other.
Man and today's Friday, I thought walking out the principles office.
~ earlier today ~ ughhh...

Deans POV .
As me and Ethane started walking into the lunch room I noticed yet another girl crying over Siren. It just pissed me off." Hey Ethane I'll be right back ok ." I said letting him walk to our table. I think he just thought I was going to the restroom. His mistake to think that. I started heading toward the crying girl. Within seconds I was standing next to her asking her." Why are you crying?" And I knew Siren was listening . She started saying, " H-he's b-b-braking u-up with meeee." And that because I was trying to make sense of what she was saying through her sobbing." It's ok , he's just a self centered ass hole." I said patting her. "What the fuck is your problem brah, she is nun of your concern. She knew who she was dealing with." He said yelling at me." Right because that's what you do , you just use all the people you want for your own amusement." I said now facing him." I left her because -" he got cut off by Jane." What are you retards arguing about ! It better not be over a girl." " I'm tired of all these girls fawning over him it's stupid." I said staring him down. " it's not reason t-" I punched Siren in the face , putting him on the floor. "Fight fight fight " students started huddling around. Siren punched me in my right gut . I then started punching him where ever there was an opening. I then heard Ethane say "what are you doing Dean !" He knew exactly what this was about. He then started to try to separate us. Jane just kept yelling to stop. She grabbed so food from a lunch plate trying to throw is at me but I ducked and it hit Athena's friend Asuna. We stopped fighting for a minute. Asuna was looking down and then looked at us with a glare that sent shivers going up your spine. It look like something you see in nightmares, Siren then punched me in face while I wasn't paying attention. That cheating bastard, Ethene tried holding me back. Asuna started throwing food at Jane and Athena started doing the same. They were covered in food hitting other people causing a food fight around. This kid just yelled out " Take your shirt off!" Athena then just yelled back throwing food "GO FUCK YOURSELF!"
The principal said yelling from on top of a table. Two security guards ended up separating me, Ethane and Siren , and an extra one for the girls that were now pulling hair. After that they all put us in the office.
~present time ~
We all started walking to the lunch room talking to each other's partner. Dean with Ethane , Asuna with Athena and Jane with Siren.

"What were you thinking Siren, getting into a fight like that. Look at your face its fucked up." He had his eyebrow cut a little and his left cheek looked like it was getting bruised.

Ethane's POV .
"Dean why didn't you just leave it alone, I'm with you and no one else I don't love Siren . I love you." I said looking at his face. He just kept staring forward. Siren got him good with that one punch cutting his lip. Me, I just had a couple of bruises.

Athena's POV.
"Fuck man why'd she have to start throwing food, now my uniforms all dirty." I said putting my hand on my head. "It's not as bad as Dean and Siren tho, my head just hurts. Deans lip is fucked up." Asuna said opening the lunch door.
And that's when we all knew ,we FUCKED UP.
We all walked in and sighed
"Aww...shit ."

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter cx
Love you my angels

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