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Uhhh so much family drama now a days so Sry if I don't update everyday I'm trying c;
Chp. Ethane and Dean c;
I wonder if you guys could come up with a shipment name. •u•


Last Chp having to do with Dean & Ethane. We left off When Dean was giving soup to Ethane c;

Deans POV.

I opened my eyes to a dark room. I stared waited for my eyes to get costume to the darkness. I turned to see Ethane hugging a pillow. awwwwwwww . I quietly got up, to go to the kitchen and see if I could find anything to make us for lunch.
Pre-heat to 180 degrees
0-0 damn
This some rocket science here
~12 minutes later~
Fuck it I'll make soup. I opened all the cabinets looking for a can of soup that had been next to the spices the whole time. I poured the soup into the pot and started heating it up.
I thought to myself, what better why to wake up then to the person you love giving you soup. I realized I was smiling and then quickly tried to get rid of it by giving the soup the glare of death. After I was done heating the soup up and killing it, I put it in this nice lil blue bowl and made my way back to the room. He's gonna be so happy when he sees me, I thought as I opened the door.
"Good morning sleeping beauty " I said walking in opening the curtains.
Ethane started waking up, slowly but surely. omg he's so adorable. He sat up and then I gave gave him the soup.
"Umm thank-you Dean." he said staring at the soup lost.
(Slowly dies inside) .
"Why soup ?" He looked up at me with his light brown eyes.
"Uhhhh cause like why not soup?" I said keeping it real. He then took a sip, saying,
" Well it taste great thank-you."
(+1 life)
"Psh it was nothing ." I said getting into bed with him laying down just staring at him.
Man I would have never thought about how pretty he looks. Like his eyes just complement his face and his lips just looked so magical.
He was in a middle of a sip and then looked down at me. I quickly looked in the other direction.
He narrowed his eyes saying " were you just watching me eat?"
"No .... I was-was sleeping." I said fake laughing
"Sleeping with your eyes open ...on me .... " he said making this face (=_=) he then added, "pervert."
"Don't act like you don't like it." I said grinning.
"It was ok." He said drinking more soup.
"Really now Cuz i don't remember it being just ok , to be exact you where telling me-....."
" ok ,ok, ok just it was great ok ,... Ok " He said panicking .
"That's what I thought." I said doing the duckface.
"So what our are plans for today Ethane?" I said layin my head on the pillow staring at the ceiling.
He laughed , " plans? When do I ever make plans, I just flow wherever the wind takes me."
"Great I have a hippy on my hands ." I said turning my head toward the window.
Then I felt a sudden peck to the check.
I started turning red as soon as it clicked to my brain that it was Ethane kissing my cheek.
" what was that for?" I mumbled
"The soup , and last night ." he said getting up.
"It's a good day to go to the park isn't it Ethane?"I said looking at him walk out the door.
He stopped and replied " yeah, it is." And then continued walking.
I got up and caught up with him.
" sooooo does that mean we can go?"
I said leaning against the wall.
" sure why not " he said sighing
"Yay ... So I guess it's a date."
I said smiling.
I went up to him and kissed him on the cheek, making him turn red.
" Should we call up the rest of the group to come or just us?" I said letting him free.
" Group? We just literally ate pizza yesterday with them." he said sitting on the counter.
"So to much?" I said putting my body in between his legs, staring at him.
"You sure we can't stay home and just go for round two?" He said putting his hands over my shoulders.
"Psh nah don't want you falling on your face again." I said kissing him then leaning away.
" Go get ready we're going to the park." I said walking away to the room to change.
"Ugh fine, dream killer." Ethane said sighing.
After a good 10 minutes of getting ready, and getting Ethane's horny ass in the car, we headed out to the park in the next city.
" Why can't we just stay home." he said sighing.
" Because we need to get your lazy ass out of bed and spend time together." I said smiling.
"Ughhhh but we spend time together all the time -flashback- like that time we went to petsmart and the bird started attacking your face. That was bro time man." Ethane said laughing at the memory.
" We agreed to never talk about that again" I said glaring at him real quick.
"And then the other weekend when we wen-"he said being cut of by me
"Hey look were here!" I said parking the car.
" Yay...."he said in sarcastic way.
" Can we leave now?"
" Oh my god we just got here Ethane!" I said getting of the car.
" Ughhh as long as I'm entertained I'll be happy."he said getting out with me.
"And as long as I'm with you I'll be happy." I said looking at him.
"Come on I wanna get this over with." he walked away blushing.
I just smiled and followed him.
The park was beautiful; it was big it had a couple trees around and a really big pond full of birds and ducks. Ethane started to stop to sit by the side and I sat right next to him.
"It's calming right Dean."
I replied saying " it's perfect."
"It'd be nice to feel this forever right, you know like I'd like to be able to be with you forever and live happily with you." I said staring at the water.
" Yea it would be nice, I mean you make me feel alive in so meany ways, you make me me." He said staring at me with his head leaning on his shoulder.
I leaned in and kissed him, " I feel the exact same way you feel."
He turned super red.
"DEAN WE'RE IN PUBLIC!" He said freaking out.
" Even better." I said leaning in for another kiss.
You could hear a couple of girls walking by getting excited in the back round.
"Dean, come on your gonna make those girls pass out from screaming with excitement. " He said giving me a puppy face.
" Fine let's play frisbee." I said getting up and then helping Ethane up.
" I'm down for that." he said running in the other Direction.
I then took out the foldable frisbee from my back pocket and threw it at him. He ran for it catching it first time.
" Damn pro much !" I yelled out to him.
" I try !" He said winking and laughing.
He then threw it to me and unlucky for me I didn't catch it and that's Cuz I'm the athletic one. After a while I started getting the hang of it and I started liking it. We kept throwing it for a while, getting more pumped up for each throw. Ethane throw this really low one, so I had to run to it. As soon as I was an inch away I tripped and fell.
"Mmmmmmm!!!!!!!!" I let out.
" Oh my god are you ok Dean!" He said running to me.
" I'm fine." I said trying to get up.
" Maybe I'll just sit for a while." I added.
" Come on let me help you, were does it hurt?" He said observing me.
" My knee and my arm." I said blushing a little because of how close he was to me.
"Here maybe this will help." he said grabbing my arm slowly kissing it everywhere up to my wrist.
"Uh-m it's better" I said now blushing really hard core.
" Maybe we should go home, bandage you up and eat." he said helping me up.
I just nodded adding, " yeah that sounds like a good idea."
As we made our way to the car, he helped me walk by trying to carry me.
He failed horribly, so I limped my way to the car. How romantic ,I thought smirking. As we made it to the car he opened the door for me, letting me sit in the passenger seat. "Im driving ." he said jiggling the keys. He got into the seat and turned the car on. I looked at him saying " I hope you had a good time, even if I fucked up the fun." I said laughing lightly.
" Don't worry it was kinda my fault anyways, I had a great time, maybe next time we can bring the group here." He said looking back to start backing up the car.
"Yeah." I just smiled at the thought of Asuna and Athena actually playing and not tripping like me and Jane with siren playing tag.
" This was a morning well spent don't you think?" I asked Ethane.
" Yeah it was, it would have been better if we could have gone a little wild at home though don't you think." he said looking at me. " keep your eyes on the road wild one." I said smiling.

Hey guys Sry it's a late up date /-\
Love you my angels
And thank you for more then a 100 reads in my first chapter <3

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