Are you ok?

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Hey guys, how's you all's days going?
Wat about u angel ?
Mines ok c;
Before you read this chapter I'm warning you it might have some triggers.
Sirens POV.

I started walking and saw Dean's car fade into the left turn he took .
Maybe I should have gone with them, nah it's ok. I'll be fine . I started heading home, put my earphones in hearing unravel by TK. I let my thoughts drown in my music.
But the more and more I got closer to home. I just though dear god I hope dads not home. I could feel my stomach getting into knots.As I reached my house I could already see that my mom wasn't home, a sudden crash of probably a glass bottle was heard from inside. My heart sunk, dads home.
He hadn't been home for a week or so, so of course he was home.
I started to unlock the door and made my way quietly upstairs. But it was to late . Dad heard me walking up the stairs.
" I got a call from school saying you got in a fight." He said drunk as hell. This was bad. Help me. Ever hear those saying where you were just there at the wrong place and wrong time. This was one I those moments.
"You-a joke of a s-son " he said almost falling walking toward the stairs.
"Your not my son your a disgrace to this family , you don't deserve to carry the family name." He said walking up the stairs.
I ran for it. I ran all the way to my room and locked the door. All I could hear was the banging on my door and the curses my father yelled out . I got in my bed and started to cover my ears I didn't wanna hear this. What kinda of father does this... My father then started to kick the door, I could see the door cracking. This is it. The door finally gave up and fell to the side opening. My dad just walked in saying "I'm sry for yelling at you but you had locked the door now it's time to punish you for being a bad boy." He said starting to unbuckle his belt from his pants.
"Noo please , dad stop " I said having tears run down my eyes . "Please you kno-"
He slapped me right across the face
"Shut up I'm not your father, now stop moving." I could see it in his eyes, he didn't care, he didn't see me, what he saw was trash.
I wasn't gonna take this again, I wasn't gonna let him do this to me with out me fighting back. I then kicked him in the leg and ran for it . He then just smacked me down with the belt and punched me in the face while I was down.
"Now be a good boy and sleep." He said, while everything around me just started getting dark. The last thing I remember seeing was my dad pulling his shorts down and leaning toward me.

Dean's POV.
"Ugh I'm probably the last person to say this but it'd be nice if Siren was here." I said sighing
"Yea, I'm gonna stop by when we're done eating. I feel like he left worry. I don't know it's just a vibe." Jane said drinking some soda.
"Yea, I felt it to." Ethane said adding on.
"I'll start heading over there right now." Jane said getting up to throw her stuff away. "Tell Asuna and Athena I say bye " she said leaving.
"Those to have been in The restroom for a while don't you think?" I said smiling.
"Don't think wrong Dean, their just friends." Ethane said putting some pizza in his mouth. As soon as I knew he swallow, I grabbed his face turning it and put my face next to his and kissing ever so slightly his tender lips.

Jane's POV.

I eventually ended up finding Sirens place. I turned of my ignition off and sat for a minute thinking is this really right of me . I mean we just met . Its none of my business, It's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything.
I started hearing yelling from inside. I quickly got up and out of my car. I started running to the source of yelling. Surprisingly the door was unlocked and and run up to the stairs to see, Siren knocked out and a mid 30's man getting ready to rape him. I froze for a moment then I quickly reacted hitting the man with my backpack that was fully filled with books and journal probably weighing 5 pounds or so. It knocked him right out and just to make sure I kicked him in the gut; it wasn't a soft kick either. I quickly called 911 asking for a ambulance.
I stared at Siren and noticed his arm I saw a couple of lines I grabed his arm pulling his sleeve down more...line over line scar over scar, he had some recent ones to. "I'm so sorry " I said letting tears fall. "No one should do through this." I grabbed his hand picking his sleeve up again and hugging him. I sat by the stairs waiting for the ambulance to come. I feel like I should have tried to convince him to come with us ,fuck, I could have stopped this, I could have prevented this...
I started hearing the sirens from the ambulance and started walking down stairs.

I'm so Sry if I gave you guys feels I started tearing up Cuz of this . ;-;
Poor Siren
I'm here for you guys if you need me ok no ones ever alone. C;
Remember I love you my angels

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