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We're back with Jane and siren
Enjoy <3
Do you guys read my warning Cuz like one of my friends just told me she doesn't even read my warning =_= like great
Cuz if you don't you all are screwed xD I'll be evil and not tell u if or when a part happens
Sirens POV.

Now in the car. Heading to Janes place. We stopped at a stop sign.
"Hey Jane, you mentioned in the story that your family was in debt because of you.. If you don't mind me asking why you?" I said looking at her.
She picked her head up from the windshield and stared into the empty road. I think she was debating whether to tell me or not.
She turned her head saying " No it's fine you can ask, when I was a baby I had a problem with my heart. I had a heart murmur , I was one of those unlucky 1 out of 100 infants to get it. My parents payed for a couple of surgeries so that I could live a better future and it worked I was getting better but the bills kept piling up. Funny how it did the exact opposite... But yea so I guess if I didn't get born fucked up my parents could probably still be here for me...." She said trying not to cry.
"Jane don't say that, you're perfect just the way you are, you didn't choose your life, you shouldn't blame yourself." I said wiping a tear off her face and starting to press on the gas. " Its the next left right?" I said putting my blinker.
"It's the next one" she said trying to blow off that she was tearing.
"Psh I totally knew that " I said acting seriously. "Sure Siren sureee." She said now laughing a little with a smirk.
I turned into the driveway of her blue little house. "Home sweet home right?" I said smiling at her.
"Yea "she sighed, "so how are u getting home." She added.
"I'm not" I smiled. " wait what!?" She said taking her seatbelt off.
" you think my moms gonna blow this off you're wrong." I said as I took the keys out and tossed them to her.
" where are you gonna stay..." She said picking the keys up.
" I don't know, I'll find a place don't worry." I made a more noticeable fake smile.
" I'll let you stay the night here. I don't want you wondering the streets at dark." she said opening the door blowing it off that she wasn't inviting me to practically a sleepover.
"Is that generosity I hear?" I said getting off with her.
"Shut up and get ur ass in the house." She said walking to the door unlocking it.
" I didn't even say yes and you already want me inside damn desperate much." I said smirking.
"Siren stop talking and get in." she said giving me yet another death glare but I stopped it with saying " you're so beautiful when you're kind."
I walked in scanning the place. She had a nice looking tv with a gaming system and good looking kitchen like her house looked small but it was big on the inside.
I turned asking her, " you game?"
" Psh of course don't all girls." She said preparing some tea, " want some " she added.
" Nah I'm good, what's your username then." I said turning the game system on. "Why should I tell you?" She said mischievous like. " cuzzz im fab-u-lous " I said running through her games.
"It's death_card101." She said pouring tea into a cup. why does that name sound familiar? "OMG you have COD!!!! You, me zombies now!" I said grabbing her second controller and putting the game in. " Hey be careful ! " she said grabbing the game case. "You being a guy should now how much us gamers treasure our games" she said tossing the case on the couch , "jk " she's said laughing." let's get this party started. Online or offline ? "
"Offline I want it to just be you and me" I gave her a glare, "may the best gamer win."
(spongebob narrator voice)
~three hours later~
"Siren you're moving to fast stop!"
"Jane stop going so slow!"
"Siren my fingers hurt and I'm tired let's stop."
"Fine just cause I'm tired too ok." I said tossing the controller on the carpet. " I'm still better than you " she said sticking her tongue out. "What ever Jane no ones won were even on zombie kills" I said laying down on the soft carpet.
She slowly laid next to me , hugging my chest. " Thanks Jane I really needed this." I said sighing out. Then I heard a little mumble
"It's fine I needed it to."
"Are you really falling asleep?" I said looking at her hair.
"Mhm " she hummed.
I leaned her to the side so I could get up and picked her up from the floor. " here let me take you to your bed. Which door is it ?"
"Last one to the left." She said trying to keep her eyes open while pointing.
I opened the door slowly laying her In bed. "goodnight Jane." I said as I started covering her. "Siren" she said with a long pause. "You hug me for a while before you leave?"
"Anything for you Jane ." I said getting on the side of her. I started putting my arm around;feel her curves. Trying not to think about how I'm hugging like the only closest female friend or friend in general I have.
"Yes, siren" she let out a yawn.
Yawning back I let out," I love you ."
"I love me to and I love you also" she said getting closer into my body.
After that we both passed out.
I just remember thinking to myself , man im happy I have a friend like her and two I hope this feeling never ends.
But we all know that never happens....

So tired I love you my angels
Good afternoon
Goodmorning c;

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