What is home?

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This chapter will focus on Athena and Asuna .
I don't really wanna explain to much but your in for a treat .
Asuna POV .

"..I'll txt you tonight ok ."
I wonder what we'll end up talking about I thought. The rest of the day went by calmly. Jimmy wouldn't shut up in history though , God damn it jimmy sit yo flat ass down and stop talking. But other than that my day was good it was about to end in 5 minutes.
-last bell of the day rings-
I started putting my things away and started walking through the hallway. I would say I walked at a decent pace, sure people were by passing me but fuck them . It's not my fault I walk slow. As I was walking I noticed Jane and started calling out to her to slow down.
" Hey! JP slow down !"
I finally caught up to her and asked her "what's up c;" and just answered with " what does it look like I'm doing im walking ." It was kinda scary to be honest she looked kinda irritated saying that. So I tried changing the subject ," So where were you 4&5 period plus lunch?"
~~flash back ~~
Jane's POV.
Runs into restroom stall. What the fuck was I thinking , and why him out of everyone . Why did I what, ..him , what's wrong with me .
~flash back slowly fades away ~
Asuna's POV .
"I didn't feel good that's all ." She said adding a fake cough.
I smiled and said " awe it's ok I hope you feel better." I wonder why she's lying . After that we just started talking about school work as how people act stupid in class.We final made it outside , to the fresh cool air . It felt nice, It's like happiness slapping you right in the face and I loved it. I hugged JP and told her good-bye and started making my way to the parking lot. I turned and noticed that Athena was having trouble with her car. I walked over to go check what's wrong. "Omg Asuna thank god your still here ,can you give me a ride ? My cars being a bitch." She said smacking the top while getting out the car. "S-sure , if you want you can stay at my place for a bit to ." I said helping her out . "That's great ! Thanks Asuna." She said happily and hugging me . We started heading to my car and I grabbed my keys out of my pocket. At I sat down I unlocked the doors and let Athena in . While I turned the ignition on Athena turned up some music. I drove up to DQ and asked Athena if she wanted anything . We both ended up getting the chicken strips meal and eating at the restaurant. We talked about our year and what we were gonna do when we graduate. I looked at the time 7:34 pm. Damn we've been here for almost 5 hours. I started putting my stuff on a trey and told Athena we should start heading to my place. As we got up and headed for the door the counter lady said "thank-you, come again." We started heading to my place . It wasn't much a small house at an affordable price that my parents helped pay for. I stopped the car in the drive way of this faded light blue house. We both got off and started heading for the door as I unlocked it, I could see Athena was looking around at the flower pots that I had laying around the place. I was planing on making a garden I just didn't have the time to do it. I walked into the house . It looked like any other house one bed room it had a living room and a kitchen + a little two person table next to the wall . Like I said not much . We both walked in hanging our backpacks on the coat hanger next to the door. Athena went to the bathroom yelling that she really had to go pee like an idiot. I went into my room changing into a big T-shirt that had a panda print in front saying can't we all just be friends. I just took my pants off and threw them somewhere and then heading for the living room . I found Athena their on the phone , probably talking to her folks.

Athena's POV.
I got off the phone with my parents notifying them that I might be home late. "H-hey, who you on the phone with " Asuna said walking out to the couch and sitting next to me. She looks so cute in her pjs." I was just telling my parents that I'm here with you " I said grabbing the tv remote and then I felt Asuna's hand I looked at her and pulled my hand away "Sry ". She grabbed my hand and pushed me back. She was on top of me . "W-what a-are you d-doing." She leaned in and kissed me. I didn't reject her , I didn't know what to do. Then she stopped, starring at me . Eye to eye . She Got off and said "I'm going to bed early , when ever you wanna leave you can take my car just pick me up in the morning." She started walking up to her door. I was just like what just happen did she just kiss me and tell me to leave when I'm ready? I got up and turned her around and kissed her . While I was kissing her she twisted the knob and the door opened, she started walking backwards, I threw her on the bed taking my jeans off. I started to get onto the bed and got on her. Kissing her I started rubbing my hands down her thighs. I could hear her light moans. She started putting her hands up the back of my shirt , unhooking my bra. I started running my hands up her shirt and up into her bra. Now groping her breasts I could hear her moaning. "I love you Athena" I heard her whisper into my ear. She started rubbing my nipples and I whispered back to her "I love you too .. Asuna." I let out a moan. We ended up making out the whole night. I don't even remember when we passed out. I woke up to the smell of eggs and ham . I got up to see Asuna cooking. "Hey " I said with my morning voice. " Athena I was thinking last night " she said turning around with a plate , " you should move in with me ." Now handing me a plate I smiled and said, "I thought you'd never ask."

Omg I can't stop laughing I'm here with my best friend and she's showing me pewdiepie videos and it's like xD I'm trying to write and I just can't guys you don't understand how many times I was like fuck I can't write in this situation. XD

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