Chapter fourteen

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A/N Happy birthday to @Vedashree_Walmsley. I hope you have a great day! There is a little surprise for you in this chapter which I hope you will like.

Will POV

I yawn and check my watch. My eyes are itchy with tiredness, and they widen when I realise it's 2 in the morning. I fold the corner of the book I was reading and set it on my bedside table. I just lost track of time. I yawn again and rub my eyes. I rearrange my pillow so that it's in the position I like it and I lay down to go to sleep. I hear someone tossing and turning, and an occasional whimper. I frown slightly but disregard it, until I hear a loud gasp and someone sits up, breathing heavily and I know it's Four. I bite my lip, but decide it's best not to ask him if he's okay right now, when he's still so vulnerable. I'll to talk to him in the morning and see if I can help.

Zeke and Uriah claim that if they don't eat something now, they will die of starvation, so they hurry out of the dorm to go and get food. I start to pack my school bag while Four makes his bed. The nightmare he had is clearly taunting him. I can see it in his face, and in the way he barely looks up. I clear my throat and walk over to him. He looks up, and I notice his eyes have  darkened look to them. "Hey... Um," I start. Damn. This is more awkward than I anticipated. "So er... I just wanted to check to see if you were... Er... Okay." He frowns at me.
"Um... Yeah?" he answers.
"Well... Er... I just thought you were, you know, distressed... After last night."
"What do you mean?" he asks, quickly.
"Um... Did you have a nightmare?" The words tumble out and I wish I'd phrased it better. I said it way too bluntly. A red flush creeps up into his face.
"No!" he says, defensively.
"It's okay, Four. It happens to the best  of us." He doesn't respond, but continues to smooth his sheets out, even though they are already neat. "Are you sure you're all right? I saw you thrashing around and um... Well... Crying," I add, apologetically. I immediately know I shouldn't have said something. He bites his lip, looking slightly angry.
"You must have been dreaming," he says coldly. "Because I don't cry." And without further ado, he storms out of the room.

Tobias POV

I'm not really sure why I feel so angry about Will talking to me. Why can't I just accept help? I pull my hood up and walk down to breakfast, more angry with myself that anything else. 
I'm not the only person in a bad mood. 
I sit at a table with my friends and see Lynn scowling in the direction of someone. But then again, I'm not surprised. It's very rare to catch Lynn in a good mood.
"Lynn. Who are you glaring at?" Shauna asks. Lynn points in the direction of a boy who looks to be a few years younger than us. He's sitting next to a girl. "And why, may I ask, are you glaring at our brother?" I always forget that Shauna and Lynn are sisters. They are nothing alike.
"Coz he's sitting with a girl, and I'm pretty sure they're dating. I saw him stroke her nose. He's too young to date," Lynn replies. 
"Oh, leave Hector alone. He can have a girlfriend if he really wants to- oi! Where are you going?" Shauna yells after Lynn, who has stood up and is now walking towards her brother. We all move a little bit closer to listen in, but we needn't have done so, as Lynn has a very loud yell. 
"HECTOR!" Lynn yells. Her brother jumps and turns his head to look at Lynn.
"What?" He asks, confused.
"Who is this?" Lynn says, bluntly.
"Um...Vedashree," Hector replies, looking slightly intimidated at his sisters furious glare. 
"Lynn is very overprotective of Hec. I think she still sees him as a baby," Shauna whispers to us.
"You don't say," Marlene says, sarcastically. Lynn turns to glare at Vedashree who quails slightly, but then recovers, a defiant look on her face.
"Is she your girlfriend?!" Both Hector and Vedashree turn bright red.
"So what if I am?" Vedashree replies, but she looks a little disconcerted. 
"So she is?" Lynn asks Hector. Hector slowly nods, looking a little alarmed at his sisters reaction. I see a rage boiling inside of Lynn.
"You're way too young! You could get hurt!" she says, her voice raising again. 
"I'm not gonna hurt Hec," Vedashree says, looking a little confused.
"Lynn, please. Leave me alone. You don't have to be so protective. I can look after myself," Hector says, and I internally wish him luck, as Lynn looks prepared to kill. Shauna seems to notice this too, because she stands up and hurries over, grabbing Lynn's arm. "Hi Vedashree, nice to meet you. I'm Shauna, Hector's other and nicer sister. Sorry about Lynn, she's way too overprotective," Shauna gabbles, glaring at Lynn. "Come on, Lynn. Let's leave them to it." And she drags Lynn away. While Lynn is being led away, she says to Vedashree, "If you hurt him in any way, I'll hunt you down!"
"I don't doubt it," Vedashree replies, giving a cheery, but sarcastic, wave. "And I won't hurt him." 
Lynn sits down, muttering under her breath. "Lynn! Why did you get so mad?" Christina asks, aghast. Lynn shrugs. "I just wanted someone to yell at," she replies. Shauna rolls her eyes. 
"Didn't get enough sleep again?" she says and Lynn nods. She's clearly done with talking, so we all let her do her thing while we talk amongst ourselves. 


The weekend is usually a pretty good time. Yes, we are still in school, unless you're going to see your parents. We have free reign to leave school and go somewhere, provided it's not too far away and we have to make sure we sign in and out. Although, teachers are urging us to study more because of our GCSE exams in the summer. I'm not really bothered about them, because I most likely won't be here to even take them. Sure, I have been studying just in case I do get the chance to take them, and I don't want to look suspicious. The workload is insurmountable, though, and even Uriah and Zeke have been working hard. 
"Without my GCSE's, I won't be able to be a professional cake taster," Uriah has said, very seriously. 
I didn't really give the exams much thought when I first learned that I was joining the school. Besides, they are months away. 

Anyway, I have more pressing things on my mind. As we all sit in the library studying, I glance at Tris. She's getting Christina to test her on science equations, and I feel a dull ache in my stomach. Tris might not be  able to take these exams if the mission goes according to plan. I rest my head in my hands, pretending to be pouring over a textbook. My mind is in a quandary. I can't just kill her, or her family. I just can't. But do I really have a choice? 

Eric POV

I stand by a book shelf to find that maths book my teacher recommended. I didn't realise I would be in this school for so long, but I haven't had many instructions from Max.

I slide the book off the shelf and turn around. Four and his group are sitting around a table with books out. That's not what catches my eye, though. Four is sitting there with his head in his hands, and I'm fairly certain it's not because he's pouring over a textbook.  I chuckle and pull my phone out to look at my chat history with Max:

Me: Four's part of our group,  isn't he?
Max: How did you work that out?
Me: There were some clues.
Max: Maybe it's handy that you know...I'm beginning to think he won't complete his mission.
Me: Want me to spy on him?
Max: That would be good, yes. Maybe try taunting him. 
Me: With what?
Max: I'll send you a file in the post.

I stow my phone back into my pocket. The file hasn't arrived yet, as they always try to disguise it, just in case post is intercepted.
I glance at Four and smirk. I'm fairly certain that the file will be about him. Soon I'll know all your secrets, Four, I think.  I laugh and leave the library.

A/N Thanks for reading this chapter. There will be more about Eric in a later chapter. 

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