Chapter sixteen

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Tobias POV

I clutch the paper in my fist, tears of anger in my eyes. She really tried to contact me again? Well, she's wasted her time, because I'm not gonna respond to her. 
I glance down and re-read it:

I know you're really really mad at me, and that's understandable. Our meeting didn't go quite as I wanted it to, though. I wish you would try to understand why I left you.  Please can you consider meeting with me again? If you would like to, then meet me in the same place, at the same time.

She thinks I want to meet her again? The idea is ridiculous- almost laughable. I screw the note up and chuck it into the bin, with as much force as I can muster. I close my eyes for a moment, trying to control my breathing.
Why can't I just have parents who genuinely care about me?

I just wish I had a normal life. 


My phone goes off and I see I have a message from The Dauntless Gang. Honestly, trust Uriah to come up with the most stupid name. 

U: SUP LOSERS! Let's all meet at MacDonalds. Zeke and I are already there because we were STARVINGGGGGGGG. Okay, so come. You have to, or else. Luv y'all 😈

I chuckle at his infantile text, and debate whether or not to go. I decide to see what everyone else says.

C: OMG YAS! Be right there...Marlene and I were considering going to MacDonalds anyway. Already at the bus stop. 
W: Sure, sounds fun!
L: K.
Marlene: Christina and I are on our way. 
S: Lynn and I are gonna take a taxi. Can't be asked to wait for the bus. Anyone wanna tag along?
Me: Nah, imma walk.
C: Weirdo.
Me: What do you mean? Exercise is key.
U: Ew, exercise. 
S: Okaaaay so just me, Lynn, Will and Tris getting the taxi? Awwwww poor Four will be alone. Someone could accompany him...hmmm...I wonder who...Tris? 😁😉
T: SHAUNA! SHUT UP! And don't EVER use those emojis again. But fine. I'll walk. I don't mind.
Me: don't have to if you don't want. I assure you, I don't mind being alone.
T: Yeah, but I want to. It means I don't have to pay for a taxi.
Me: Alright... Meet outside the school?
T: Yeah.
C: See ya guys here!
S: Yeh.
W: Byee. 

Zeke POV

Everyone except Tris and Four arrive, and we quickly order a MacDonalds and chat excitedly amongst ourselves. Tris and Four might get mad, but I just know that they're gonna love us later.
"So, where are we gonna hide?" Shauna asks.
"Love your hair today," I say to her, smirking. 
"Shut up, Zeke, and focus. But thanks." she tucks her hair behind her ears. "Anyway, we should hide quite far away."
"Yeah. How about behind New Look?" Christina suggests.
"Chris, we all know you're only suggesting that because you want to go into New Look," Marlene says.
"Maaaaaaybe," Chris replies.
"Okay, behind New Look," Uriah asks. "Let's go. They might be arriving soon." We all nod, pick up our food, and hurry out.

Tobias POV

Tris and I arrive at MacDonalds after about 30 minutes of walking. The walk wasn't as awkward as anticipated. I thought I'd feel super uncomfortable talking to her alone, but I felt fine, which pleasantly surprised me.  " did we arrive here before everyone? And weren't Zeke and Uriah meant to be here already?" Tris asks, confused. I frown and look around.
"Hm...maybe they went to the toilet?" I suggest.
"Yeah...maybe." We stand in the entrance for a couple of minutes. Tris takes her phone out to text Christina. A moment later, her phone buzzes with the reply. I hear Tris groan slightly.
"No no no no no no nooo." she says. She smacks a hand to her forehead. "I should have seen this coming!"
"What?" I ask, confused.
"They've set us up," she says. I pause.
"How do you know?"
"Well...for one thing, they aren't here. Another, Chris just sent me a picture of Uriah with ketchup all over his shirt, and she then followed that with a message saying 'tell me how it goes' with a winky face emoji."
I take a moment to digest this, and then just say "Oh." We stand there awkwardly for a moment, and I make a mental note to kill them. I glance at Tris and she looks at me and smiles. "Well...I guess we are already here. We might as well get some food," she suggests. I grin and nod. 

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