Chapter twenty-five

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Eric POV

I carefully watch as Four stands up and whispers something to Tris, who sits there sobbing as he walks away, her eyes still closed. Pathetic. I watch her for a moment longer, and a sneer crosses my face. I now have some crucial information, which I can't wait to relay to Max. Four isn't going to complete his mission. He's not going to kill Tris and her family.
And he's heading back to Dauntless. 

I walk away from the clearing, where Tris is still sitting, and take my phone out.
"Max," I say. "He's not going to complete the mission. And he's heading back to Dauntless."

 Tobias POV

I arrive outside the Dauntless compound. A rush of fear floods through me as I stare at the battered door. This is it. There's no turning back now. 

I feel like I left part of me behind in that clearing. And I did. Because Tris completes me. It's only been hours since I left her, but it feels like days. I yearn for her. Thinking about her makes me want to throw a massive tantrum. But I mustn't.
I take a deep breath, plaster a look of seriousness on my face, and walk forwards to type the code to get in. 

Inside, it's chaos. Everyone is rushing around, hurriedly packing some last minute things in preparation to escape before the Government get to us. I feel sick. This is all because of my information. This is all my fault. I don't have long to take it all in, though. Because someone is standing behind me. 
"Hello, Four," a deep voice says. I turn around, my heart pounding, and Max stands there. "You didn't tell me you had managed to complete the mission."
"" I freeze up, and my mind goes blank. And I have no idea what to say. Stay calm.
"Or did you not complete it after all?"
I give an uneasy laugh. "Well...funny thing...Tris went home with Caleb, and when I arrived there to kill them all, they had already gone. I forgot that she was moving across the country." It's a lame lie. A stupid one. And I know he's going to see right through it. I mentally kick myself for making up the worst lie of the century. 
"Really?" He says, in a patronising voice. "Well, that's really stumped us. Surely we would've heard if one of the members of the Government were moving away?"
I shrug. "Maybe they didn't want to publicise it."
"Hm." He takes a step closer to me. "You know what I think? I think you're lying. Actually, I know you're lying."
My stomach clenches, but I try to keep my face impassive. "I'm not lying," I say, calmly, even though I want to scream. Keep it together. 
He takes another step closer to me, and it take almost all of my effort not to take a step backwards. I can't back down. I can't be a coward. "Well, that's odd. Because I had word from someone that you spoke to Miss Prior by a river bank and-what was it you told her? Ah, yes. That you weren't going to complete the mission? You told her everything? Unless this person is mistaken?"
My stomach lurches, and it feels as if I missed a step coming downstairs. "I-I don't know who told you that but they're wrong..."
"I don't think so, Four. You see, this person has been very reliable in updating me on your progress. Who do you think it could be? Come, now. It shouldn't be too difficult."
I wrack my brain. Who could it be? But realisation hits me like a bus, and my blood runs cold. "Eric..." I say, slowly. "He works here undercover, doesn't he? That's how he knew those sent him my file!" 
"Well done, Tobias." Unexplained anger flares up inside me when he says my name. "You see, I wasn't sure whether you were going to complete the mission. And I guess my instincts were correct."
"But-but what was he doing there?"
"Oh, just the general. He's been there since he was twelve. Just spying, you know, that kind of stuff."
I stare at Max, but try to keep calm. I watch his hand move to his pocket, and his hand tightens around something. A gun.

He draws it out, and points it towards my arm. "Once you're injured, I'll let your dad have you. Then I'll attend to Miss Prior." His finger is on the trigger, and instinct takes over. I use the gun defence skills we learnt in training, and manage to disarm him, before punching him to the floor. "Shouldn't have taught us that one, should you, Max?" I hiss. "You will not hurt Tris." I dash past him, and knock all of the guards away, desperation creeping over me. 
Where next?

I have to find Tris. I have to warn her. I have to help her. 

Eric POV

I receive a call from Max, so I pick up. "He's escaped," I hear Max say. "Talk to his dad. He's most likely to go wherever Prior is. Is she still in school?"
"No, I think she went home for the weekend," I reply. 
"Okay, you tell Marcus to wait near Tris's house. You stay in the school, just in case he turns up there."
"Got it," I say, before I hang up.
I then dial the number that Max gave me. "Hello?"
"Who is this?" I hear a rough voice say. 
"My name is Eric Coulter, and I know where you can find your son. Meet me in the Costa coffee shop near your house, and I'll explain everything."

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