Chapter six

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Tobias POV

"No, I haven't found anything out yet. I said I'd tell you when I know stuff," I say through gritted teeth. There's a pause on the other end of the line.
"Listen here, Four. You are not making progress fast enough. You need to ask her questions about herself and try to subtly slip her dad in there! How thick are you?" Max says, angrily.
I flinch. "I'm trying as hard as I can." You liar. "But it's really difficult." I run an anguished hand through my hair. "Fine. I'll ask her, but not right away. I need to take it slowly and at my own pace. I'll let you know how it goes, and please don't randomly call me like that. What if I'm with her at that moment? Wait until I call you," I say, irritably, and I hang up. I run a hand through my hair again, making it even messier than it was before.
"Well well. That sounded intense. Who was it?" I hear someone, with a slow, irritating voice say. I whip around in panic, but then clench my jaw when I see who it is. Eric.
"Spying on me? Real mature," I spit, rolling my eyes. 
"And you're dodging the question," He smirks. 
"It's none of your business who I talk to. Just piss off."
"Oooooo someone's angry." I glare at him. Oh, I hate him so much. I imagine myself plucking out each of his piercings, one by one. Slowly and painfully. The thought gives me some satisfaction. 
"What do you have to ask...who?" He presses on.
"I was just talking to my dad!" I lie. "And he was telling me to ask mum something. Now stop being a nosy git and leave me ALONE!" I storm past him, putting my phone in my pocket as I go.

Eric POV 

I watch as Four storms away, a small smirk on my face. I know he wasn't calling his dad. It didn't sound like he was. He's not as good at lying and keeping secrets as he thinks he is. A thought strikes me and I furrow my brow. Is he...? No. I doubt it. I would've known...right? Surely I would've been told if what I think is correct? I just shrug and decide to keep and eye on him, so that I can find out exactly what's going on. 

Four POV

I get back to my room and sit on the edge of my bed with a sigh. I'm not sure if Eric believed me, but it was the first thing I could think of.
The door swings open and Uriah runs in, breathing heavily. "You alright?" I ask. He holds a hand to stop me, while he bends over with his hands on his knees, catching his breath.
"," He says in between breaths. "I've...been"
"Why?" I'm trying to hold back my laughter at the sight of him. He straightens up, still breathing quite heavily.
"We are...playing and...we...want you to...join in. We didn't know where you w...were." 
"Oh er...okay."
He finally regains his breath after a minute. "Good because if you said no, I would have dragged you there. I didn't do all that running for no reason you know," He says, and he grabs my arm and tugs me out of the room.


Uriah knocks on the door of the girls dormitory, and Zeke opens it with a dramatic hand gesture. "Welcome to the game," he says, trying to imitate a posh voice. I laugh at how stupid he sounds, and walk in. Everyone is sitting in a circle on the floor and Uriah and I take a seat in the gaps. Zeke turns the lights off. "Why are you turning the lights off Zeke?" I hear Christina say. It's almost pitch black in here. I hear the click of a button and Uriah is holding a torch in front of his face, casting shadows in certain areas. It gives him an eerie look. He puts on a deep voice. "Welcome, Four, to the best game ever played. The rules are simple. We ask the question "Candor or Dauntless" and you pick. If you pick candor, then you're a pansycake and we ask a question and you have to answer it correctly. If you choose dauntless, then you have to complete a dare. If you don't answer the question or complete the dare, you have a forfeit. You have eat or drink something that Zeke prepared earlier, and believe me. It won't taste good. You might throw up." He turns the torch off and it's dark again. "HIT IT!" the lights turn on and Uriah chucks confetti at me. Everyone looks at him, confused, but then we start laughing. "And that had to be so dramatic because...?" Tris asks, while I brush the confetti onto the floor. Uriah looks rather please with his moment of drama. 
"Adds some spice, my friend. Adds some spice," he replies, his signature mischievous grin on his face. "Okay, I'll start. Will, my guy. Candor or Dauntless?" 
"Er...Candor?" It comes out as a question.
"HA! PAN...." Uriah begins, but Marlene puts a hand over his mouth.
"Shut up Uri. That expression is...OW! HE BIT ME!" She yells. We all fall about laughing. This group is crazy, but, to my utmost surprise, I find myself enjoying it. 
"Okay," Uriah says, hiccoughing back to seriousness, or as serious as Uriah can get. "What were you really doing last year when you said you couldn't come to the fair with us?" Will groaned.
"Er...well...if you must know...I had lost a bet to my sister so she made me dye my hair red, but the dye went wrong and it turned out bright green and I was panicking. Lucky for me, it was one of those temporary dyes that are meant to come out in 8-12 washes. So I was spending most of the day showering, trying to get it out but the bit on top wouldn't fully turn back to my normal colour, so I had to wait a week for an appointment to get that bit dyed back." 
"So that's why you wore a hat for a week! You claimed your head was cold!" Lynn said. Will nodded and everyone laughed again.
"Alright, my go," Will says. "Marlene..." the game goes on for a while, with a various mix of truths and dares. Some people didn't complete theirs,  so they had to drink some gross concoction made by Zeke. I was one of them because I didn't answer the question about my name. The dares I had to do weren't so bad. The worst one was having to let Uriah sit on my lap for the next five rounds. That guy moves A LOT. It was very uncomfortable. 
"Four," Shauna says. "Candor or Dauntless?"
"I dare you to tell us your name," she says, wiggling her eyebrows. I set my jaw.
"No," I say.
"Aw come on. Why not?" Marlene pleads.
"None of ya business." Zeke comes towards me with his weird drink, and a really creepy smile on his face. That's gonna haunt my nightmares. I drink it, shuddering. Seriously, what is in that thing?! I see Tris watching me, and I turn red. Our eyes lock for a second, and I can't believe that I'll have to see the light leave those beautiful orbs. I cast the thought aside, because I don't want to ruin this evening as it's the most fun I've had in a long time.

I turn to her. "Tris...Candor or Dauntless?" 
"Hmm." She chews her lip while she thinks, and I grin slightly. I realise what I'm doing and quickly straighten my face. "Dauntless," she says, sounded confident.
"I dare you to call dominoes pizza and start flirting with whoever picks up." The expression on her face is priceless and everyone goes "OOOOOOOOOHHH". She groans, and takes her phone out. We all cheer and Uriah chucks some confetti at Tris. Does this kid have, like, an endless supply of confetti? Because he uses a lot in one go. I'm pretty sure I'll find some in my hair when I shower. Zeke reads out the number for Tris to call, because he already has it on his phone. "Just in case I'm stranded somewhere and I'm hungry," he tells us.
Tris dials the number and puts it on speaker phone. "Dominoes Pizza. What's your order?" a male's voice says.
"Heyyy," Tris says, in a really affected, girly voice. "If you were a pizza, and I was cheese, I'd melt all over you." We lapse into silent giggles. 
"Ma'am, this really isn't appropriate. Do you have an order to place or not?" 
"You're the only topping I need on my pizza," she says in her flirty voice. There's silence on the end of the line. "Wanna know what me and pizza have in common? We're both hot." There's a beep at the other end which tells us the guys has hung up. We all fall about into peals of laughter. 
"Where...on...Earth...did you...get those lines?" Marlene asks, while she struggles for breath. Tris just half shrugs while she doubles up in laughter. 


I have a grin plastered on my face while I walk back to the dorm. They are the weirdest, funniest, most accepting group of people I've ever been around.
For the first time since I've been here, I'm glad I came to this school. 

A/N I know Candor or Dauntless is done a lot, and I'm trying to make this story unique, but I really wanted to include a really short section of Candor or Dauntless because I love those kind of stories. Sorry it was so short though. I didn't want it to go on for ages. Credits to Vedashree_Wadekar  for this idea. She's writing a Candor or Dauntless story and it's BRILLIANT so check it out and follow her. Thanks :)

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