Chapter five

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Will POV (Time skip one week)

I wake up, my mouth so dry that it feels like a desert. I swing my legs out of bed, stand up, go over to the sink to grab a glass of water, and I chug it down. I set the glass on the side, too lazy to wash it up right now, and then run back to bed as if an axe murderer will come for me in the dark. I climb back under the warm, comfy duvet when I hear a yell, and someone sits upright. Four. I see his silhouette dry his eyes on his shirt, and I quickly lie down, knowing he probably wouldn't want anyone to see him like this. I feel awful, like I should ask him if he's okay, but I know he would hate that. It would embarrass him. I furrow my brow, and wonder what the nightmare was about, because I'm assuming that's what it was. I haven't known him for very long, but I know he would never accept help. I lie there unsure of what to do, but then decide that if it happens again, I will check if he's okay. 

Tobias POV

I clutch my chest, trying to compose myself. In the dream, dad was coming towards me with a belt, like always, and he was backing me into a corner. Tris appeared and laughed as he advanced towards me and then she started screaming at me and telling me that she knew what I planned to do. I woke up just before the belt hit me. I lie back onto my pillow and stare at the dark ceiling, just letting the tears run down my face. It's not just the nightmare that's making me cry. It's everything. I hate having to hang out with Tris just to find out information. It's wrong. I hate that I have to complete this mission. I just want to be able to hang out with the group normally, without the squirming guilt that I'm going to hurt them by killing their friend. 


It's Friday, which means my first lesson is English. I groan as I walk with Zeke, Uriah and Will. I hate English. I take my usual seat next to Eric, who I'm growing to hate more and more each day. He always has some sort of snide remark to say to me, and I just really dislike him. I clench my jaw. 
"Good morning class," the teacher says, and she takes a seat at her desk, and opens up the laptop for the register. I don't particularly like the teacher either. She's nice enough but a little too soft spoken and seems a little bit patronising. 

When she's finished the register, she stands up and goes over to the whiteboard to explain what we are going to do today. "I would like you all to, please, write about your happiest memory. Explain who was there, if anyone was. What happened. why it makes you feel happy." She keeps going on and on, explaining the work. Write about out happiest memory. I think we've got it. 

When she finally shuts up and lets us do the work, I groan slightly. I don't really have many happy memories. I wrack my brain for a moment before deciding to write about the time mum gave me the blue sculpture. It's not happy, exactly, but it made me feel warm. It was like a small act of defiance against dad because he never wanted me to have many nice things. I wish I had the sculpture with me now. I haven't seen it for five years. Dad probably destroyed it. I feel tears prick my eyes, but I quickly blink them away. Stupid thing to cry about. Stupid.
I close my eyes to remember exactly what it looked like. I can almost feel it in my hands. It was smooth and cold and beautiful. No other words for it. Just...beautiful. I take a deep breath, pick up my pen and begin to write.


I feel Eric's eyes on the back of my head. "What?" I snap. I notice that he's reading my work, so I quickly shift my arm over it to hide it. He laughs.
"That's your happiest memory? You're mum giving you a blue sculpture? How sad are you?" He wouldn't understand why it's so important because I didn't give the true reason why it makes me happy. I don't want anyone to know about dad. I feel my cheeks heat up. "It's none of your business," I say. He's about to retort when the teacher stands up. 
"You should all be done, or finishing up. Anyone want to read theirs?"
"Four said he'd really like to read his," Eric says, spitefully. Everyone turns to me.
I shake my head. " I didn't," I stutter, my face flaming red. 
"Then why would Eric say you wanted to?"
"I don't know. Why don't you ask him?" I snarl.
"Please don't take that tone with me," she says, her voice hardening slightly. "Fine. Anyone else?"


I'm glad when lunch comes round. It feels good to get away from Eric. I sit at a table with my...friends? Would I count them as friends? Would they count me as a friend? "I've bought everyone tickets to the cinema," Marlene says. "For after school."
"You didn't have to do that!" Tris exclaims. "How much do I owe you?"
Marlene laughs. "Nah, it's cool. Dad gave me money to do something fun with my friends."
"Well, thanks to you and your dad then," Shauna says. We all nod and say our thanks.
"I assumed you'd all want to come. Even Four." She turns to me. "That is, if you're not too busy being and antisocial git," she says. Every laughs, and I do too. It feels good to laugh with people.
"Ha ha. Very funny," I say, sarcastically.


(skip to after the film)

Uriah complains that he feels sick and doesn't want to walk, so we all get on the bus. "Shouldn't have eaten all of that food then, should you?" Lynn teases. 
"Shut up, Lynn. It tasted good," Uriah groans. "I still have some left over." His hand reaches into the bag he 's carrying, but Zeke smacks his hand.
"No. We don't want to be mopping up your sick all night," Zeke says, and then laughs. "Although, if you're gonna be sick, be sick on Will." 
"Why me?!" Will exclaims.
"Coz you're the most sensible," Zeke states. Will just shrugs. 

It's almost impossible to be afraid about the mission right now when I'm having so much fun, but it's been nagging at the back of my head. I haven't found anything out yet and Max isn't a patient guy. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts. "You okay?" Tris asks.
"Huh? Oh...yeah. I'm fine," I say. She smiles and we sit next to each other on the bus. She's actually quite funny when you get to know her. But she will be gone soon.


I check my phone when we get to school and my heart sinks. There's a text. From Max.
Why haven't you updated me? I wanted daily updates! You'd better be doing your job properly.

I reluctantly type my reply. 
I haven't found much out. I've been hanging out with her and her friends to see if she'll let something slip. I'll let you know when she says something.

I stow my phone back into my pocket, fear wracking my thoughts. I don't want to hurt anyone. I can't do this, but I have no choice.
I'm such a horrible person.

A/N I really hope you enjoyed this, even though it was more of a filler chapter. I haven't done much about lessons and school in this story because the main plot point is following Four as he tries to complete this mission. It's just based in the school, but some normal school stuff will happen aswell as I really enjoy Divergent High stories and everything that happens. I just want mine to be more original. 
Thanks to Vedashree_Wadekar  for voting and commenting. I really appreciate it. Please follow her. She's amazing at writing! 
I also don't mind if you comment on any mistakes so I can go back and fix them XD

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