Act natural

496 11 8

Aone POV

By the time I got back to school, it was a break and everyone was hanging around in groups of friends, going in and out of classrooms and chasing each other down the corridors. Not in a way that would make you think that they were badly behaved, but in that playful way that teenagers do when they find themselves captivated in flirtatious childless. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean childish to devalue them but more to distance myself from that yearning I feel to feel the same way. But being a 6 ft guy with the permanent grumpy face, you don't get much luck. 

But then there she was. Being pulled out from Classroom 2- B by one of her friends. God if only she was in my class, I sit at the back so I could stare at her all day. NOT IN A CREEPY WAY, God Aone! Not in a creepy way. 

Shit! she's coming this way. Act natural. Act natural...


God, I had just managed to get to school and it was already broken. God, I'm going to have to stay behind even longer to get the work done *cries on the inside*. God, I'm so tired, oh no, she's coming. Yua maybe my friend but she can be a lot sometimes. She's... got a lot of energy, that I simply don't have and I don't know where she manages to get it from, *crying intensifies*.

"Y/N" Yua shouted as she stood in the doorway, hands balled into fists as they rested on her hips. I looked up at her, eyes still half-closed.

"Where were you this morning?" She shouted again, thrusting her index finger out in front of her, pointing directly at me. 

"Err" I mumbled, my brain still working gon half speed. 

"There's something I need to show you!" Yua said, not quite as loud but she made up for it by yanking y/n out of her seat and out the door of classroom 2-B. 

"What is it?" Y/n asked, knowing full well what Yua was going to say.

"It's a surprise!" Yua giggled, skipping down the corridor. 

Of course. A Suprise. I hope it's a nice soft bed that I can sleep in. 

~~ Time skip to the beginning of the next lesson ~~

Aone POV

"Wellcome class! We have a student coming in from class 2- B. She will be joining us, her name is Y/N"

"Thank you! Hello, class 2- A my name is y/n" God I'm too tired for this. 

"There doesn't seem to be any... oh yes there's one. Go Sit in the back next to Aone." The teacher said pointing towards me. 


Act natural. Act natural.

She's coming over. She's sitting down. Oh my god, I'm sitting next to her. 

"Okay, class get out you maths textbooks!" 

You have got to be kidding me. I can't give her the textbook now, that would look so creepy but she needs it. Wait ill give her mine, and we can share. Or is that going to be creepy? What do I do?! Why is this so difficult?! It's not like I've never shared a textbook with someone else before, but it's just because it's her. I don't wanna scare her. 

I looked over at her as she rummaged in her bag.  I didn't realise how small she was. She was a little chubby, you could see her tummy squish where her shirt tucked into her skirt. I assume most guys would think it's gross but omg. It's the cutest thing.  But she's so small and I'm so big I don't wanna scare her. I feel like Legosi and she's Haru. 

Aone stop starring your being creepy. Just don't do anything. 

"What? It's not here. I sware I put it in here this morning" y/n said, whispering but still audible enough for me to her quiet voice. Lower than most other girls but so warm and inviting. 

Aone, focus.


"What? It's not here. I sware I put it in here this morning" I whispered. 

"Yes, Aone?" the teacher called. Just looking up in curiosity I see that his hand is raised. Straight up and strong. 

"I don't have my maths textbook. I apologise for the inconvenience" He said in a steady tone. I didn't know that a voice could do this but it made me feel safe. He was just asking for a textbook but somehow. I felt... Safe. 

"Here you can use this one, "the teacher said passing a textbook from the front of the class to the back. 

"Thank you, teacher" Aone took the textbook and placed it in front of him, open. I looked up at him, then back at my paper. Should I ask? I thought looking back and forth between him, the textbook, my age and then the window.

Aone POV

Oh god, you've ruined it already. Why does she keep looking at you? Shit. Shit. What do I do?

Oh, wait- the textbook.


Aone slid the book so that it was sitting in between the two desks so that I could see the questions on the pages. 

"Thank you" I whispered to him. But where the hell did my textbook go.

Aone POV 

Omg. She just spoke to me. Act natural! 

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