A Cold Compress

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"Y/n there's someone at the door for you!" My father shouted.

"Uuuuhhhh who is it?!" I called back.

"I don't know, a friend from school?"

Dragging myself out of bed. Head ringing, feeling like some evil spirit is playing wakamole on my forehead.

I got to the front door which my dad had only left ajar. So he could not even see who it was but oh well. I pulled the door open, suddenly it was made of solid stone.

Aone POV

After waiting for a few minutes, a few minutes to long, as my hands were only getting clamier.

The cold sweat on her browe. The tired darkness under the eyes. The slight greasiness and unbrushed look of her hair.

I wanted to hold her. Brush her hair. Wipe her browe. Put a cold press on her forehead. Care for her. She was pained and I so wanted to relive it.



"How come your... here?"

"I brought you.." ~fuck fuck fuck~ "I brought you some soup. I-I heard you were sick and want to call in"

"Oh, thank you. I- sorry for my appearance. Would you like to come in?"

"Um only if that's okay? I really don't mind" ~yes please I want to come in~

Y/n stepped to the side to allow me in. I felt so cramped and hot and sweaty and clammy and awkward. ~omg I'm standing in her house. Okay just don't knock anything over. I'm fact I just won't touch anything~

I hadn't realised but y/n was half way up the stairs.

"Y/n" I called

"It's okay my parents are busy and it's only soup" she said as she kept going. ~yes it is only soup but still~

Okay just follow her. It is her house after all. One step CREAKKKK ~oh god. Okay just keep going...... oky at the top. One symphony later~

I looked around and there are 4 doors, but which one is...
"Y/n" I called quietly "Y/n" I whispered this time

A door opened and y/n pulled at my hand. Still holding my hand she payed down on the bed and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm just very tired."
"No, no, it's okay. Please, rest"

I placed the bag next to the night stand. I will take it downstairs when I go.

I picked up a tissue and wetted it from the glass next to y/n. Gently pressing it to her forehead.

I looked around to find something. On the desk maybe. I don't want to go through the draws. I picked up the hair brush and gently run it through the ends of her hair. Working my way up. I had seen my mother brush my sisters hair so I hoped I wouldn't hurt her.

I stayed for a few minutes. Just making sure she didn't awake but soon she started snoring. Quitely but it was so sweet but she was asleep. Quite asleep and peaceful so I took my leave.

Before leaving I introduced myself to her parents and handed them the soup I had been sent with.

Stepping out the cold air filled my lungs. Taking each step as I walked home I remembered y/n.

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