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Aone POV

"Itsuki, you and I can do some sets and spiking. Aone you wanna do some blocks? Not that you need to practice..." Haruto called, as the three of them entered the volleyball hall.

"Aone!" Haruto called again. 

"AONE!!!" Haruto screamed running up to Aone. 

"Wait" Itsuki yanked Haruto before he could reach Aone. "Look... his face"

"YA! Aone why is your face all red!" Haruto said confronting Aone. He was trying to seem authoritative but his significantly smaller size difference, at least compared to Aone, made it look more like a primary child talking to their teacher. 

"Boys, line up to come and great our new assistant managers" Takuro, the Volleyball coach called. The boys lined up, starting with the third years and then down to the first years. Neatly in front of the coach the manager Mai and then Yua, then y/n. 

"Thank you for your help," The boys said thanked in unison and respectfully bowing. 

"We will do our best" Yua and y/n, replyed, bowing. 

"Now on with practice" Takuro ordered. The boys all scattered. 

Christ! Now shes assistant manager! This means she will be at the tournament this weekend, and with the added pressure of not wanting to make a fool of myself in front of her I will surely do something stupid. *internal crying*

"Hey, Aone. Come block!" Haruto called.

"Okay, okay" I reply, before jogging into position to start practising. 


Oh dear, what am I gonna do?! Not that there is something I need to get right as such but more that I don't want to let on that I may or may not start to feel a certain way about that Aone guy- which makes almost no sense as we have literally never talked but I can't help but be somewhat drawn to him. 

"Hey y/n I need to go over some stuff with you and Yua" Mai ushered them both over to a board with lots of timetables and diagrams. 

"So here...." Mai continued talking and telling Yua and I all about the different timetables and was explaining the rules of the game. 

But my gaze drifted to the boys practising on the court. Haruto and Itsuki were doing the setting and spiking and then, my gaze turned to Aone.  He was practising blocking- not that he needs to but hey. 

As my gaze fell on Aone, my eyes found him and wait, is he looking at me. Omg, he's looking at me. Now were just staring at each other. Oh my-

"You okay y/n?" Mai asked, noticing that I had drifted off. 

"Yes I'm okay, sorry- been a long day" I chuckled.

-----------------Time skip to end of practice--------------------

"Blocks are as good as ever Aone" Itsuki said to Aone as the boys were heading out of the sports hall. 

"Ha, yeh well I would be worried if they weren't" Aone chuckled in his deep voice, noticeable deeper than the other boy's voices. 

We were just walking out of practice and talking with the boys and then-


I was just heading back to the sports hall, Mai had asked me to go drop a letter off at the staff room which was on the third floor of the school. Wanting to get back to the hall in time to help Mai and Yua, I was jogging a little to get back. Practice should have just finished so I was in a little bit f a hurry to get back in time, not that they would leave without me, but I don't want to leave them waiting too long.

When like an absolute idiot I run right into Aone, I DONT EVEN RUN, and the one time I chose to lightly jog I bump right into him.

Aone POV

"Y/n" Aone said- Aone shut up, you will scare her. Well done Aone, you managed to knock him to the floor again. Two times. In ONE DAY. God, you're hopeless. 

"I'm so sorry, gosh two times in a day" she said.

"er- no it's okay. It was my fault, both times." I chuckled. "Here let me help" I reached down to pull her up, but I pulled a little too hard and she ended up face first in my chest. Stop blushing Aone! Stop!

"Oh sorry" She whispered... wait is she blushing too?

"No, it's okay, that was my fault too." I muffled.

"Well there's no bruises to you are forgiven" She giggled, giving a little hair flip. 

"God she's so cute," I thought. Wait- no- I just said that out loud. 


Did he just say, I'm cute?

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