Are you the manager?

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Aone POV

"Haruto you should have seen the look on his face!" Itsuki cackled as him Haruto and Aone walked along the path. On their way to the gym.

"Wait really! Tell me was he trying to hold in his bloody nose with that grumpy face of his or what?" Haruto laughed back.

"Dude. When she said thank you. He just froze and his eyes got so wide and then his face started to flush red and he didn't move for the rest of the lesson. I'm telling you. I've never seen anything like it" Haruto and Itsuki both laughed. Stopping to hold their stomachs with their faces flushed red with pure joy.

I ware a little ahead. I knew that had stopped but because I couldn't hear their foot steps but I didn't want to hear what they were saying. Normally their jest towards me doesn't bother me but right now? I'm just thinking about it, how stupid I must have looked! God Aone you can't do anything right can you! You have zero chance. Christ. *internal crying*.

"Wow he must really like her" Haruto said.
"Yeah he didn't try to hit us once to get us to shut up" Itsuki said agreeably.
"True, but I don't think that part is bad. He hits really hard" the both of the paused thinking about Aone, slightly scared but also filled with mischief to tease him more.

"Let's go bother him about it"
"Ahah of course!" They both shouted before sprinting to catch up with Aone.


God where the hell is my textbook. Mums gonna kill me if I don't find it. Their not cheap and it had all my notes in it. You thought to yourself as you hurried out the classroom and down the stairs.

"NOT SO FAST Y/N!" Christ. Not again.

Yua clasped your arms and forcefully pulled you along with her.

"Please tell me this isn't another suprise"  you begged.

"No not a suprise. But you have to come help me with the volleyball guys. They need someone to help their manager before the tournament this weekend. And since you and I are already going. I said we would do it."

You have got to be kidding me. Wait. Isn't Aone on the team.

"Why are you blushing?"

"No reason"

Grumpy Face (Haikyuu Aone X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now