The Deal With the First Set

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So, today is the day. I either win and maybe then I will have the confidence to talk to y/n. Or I fail and I shut myself away and never see the light of day again. 

I looked at myself in the mirror, silently of course. My mind filling with all the embarrassing possibilities that could happen today. I want so bad to find a way to talk to her. But I know that I can never just go and talk to her so I thought maybe if I found a way for her to come and talk to me but that's never gonna happen 1) Grumpy Face 2) Scary af 3) She doesn't even like me and she's never gonna. 


Well, let's get this over and done with. 


"Mai!" I shouted in the noisy gym hall. "I'm so sorry I'm late! My alarm didn't go off again" I bowed

"No it's okay, everything is in order and Yua mentioned that you would be late so we already factored it in." She laughed. 

"Yh no worries y/n I know you" Yua playfully punched your arm.

"Ah thanks" y/n giggled, slightly relieved but also slightly embarrassed that it had become a noticeable habit. 


~shes so cute when she is embarrassed...~

~No Aone it's game day. This is no time to be daydreaming about y/......~ *unsurprisingly starts daydreaming again*

"Good Luck everyone, do your best! I will cheer you with everything I have!" Y/n suddenly announced to the team. 

"Thank you Y/..." I said before anyone else could reply. 

"Thank you" the rest of the team added.

~okay when you straighten up don't make eye contact...~


~omg why is he blushing so much...oh no I'm blushing to~ 

I briskly walked away, trying to cover the fact that my face was bright red. As I made my way up to the elevated seating area, Yua caught up with me. 

"Y/n, omg Aone really has it for you. Every time he sees you he goes bright red. Not to mention the whole fiasco the other day, you know when Itsuki and Haruto started acting all weird. Gosh who know that someone so short and so... could throw off someone so tall." Yua rambled as we walked up the stairs.

"Hey... what was the pause for?!" I grumbled. I knew exactly what it was for but I wanted to hear her say it. She may be my friend but she's still got it stuck in her head that only skinny people are attractive. You know sometimes I think the only reason she keeps me around is to make herself seems prettier. God, I really need better friends, although sadly, most teenage girls are like that even the other heavier girls are always competing to see who can lose the most weight. Of course, they just put it all back on again. I say that as if there is anything wrong with being slightly heavier. Sure when I sit down I have some extra squiggly bits, like my stomach rolls or my thighs, but if I have to be honest with myself I don't mind it. If anything I kinda love it about myself. 

You know what I just realised...-

"Okay y/n our seats are over here" Yua dragged me by the arm to the front row, just behind the banner. 

~Wait what was I about to say...? I guess it doesn't matter now.~

"Good Luck you guys" Yua shouted

Soon the game started its first quarter. Data Tech vs Kurosono. Mai had told me that this wasn't actually the first round, but last week they had played the first round and won against a minor school, I can't remember the name. But they had to postpone the tournament because of some logistical or maybe it was that someone wasn't available. I'm not sure. But today is their next game and I will cheer with everything I have. 

------Time Skip; ending of the first quarter------

The whistle went and Data Tech was in the lead by 3 points. I was going to be close but hopefully, we would take the first set.


~The gap isn't wide enough. We need to pull ahead. Were at 20 we only need three more points. Come on Aone we can't fail at the first hurdle. Right, I'm gonna make a deal with myself... If we win, I will tell y/n how I feel and invite her for coffee or something. If we lose I can never speak or think of her again.~ 

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