Don't let go

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The ball hit the floor. Ringing out like a clear bell chime over a still valley.


They had done it.

"Data Tech.

15 points with a 2 point win.

"AHHHHH" Mei screamed in excitement jumping up and down. "You did it!"

I felt my body become light, I couldn't help the smile that grow across my face. Seeing the way that he played. So determined and so passionate, it sent a shiver up my spine. It was beautiful. I couldn't help but stare down at him from the stands.


The moment that ball hit the floor I felt it. The rush, the thrill. We had won but more importantly. I had won. I would do it, I would talk to her, tell her how I felt. If I could pull of a miracle I was worthy of talking to her.

The magic of the moment elated me. I looked up to her and there she was. Staring right back at me with the most ecstatic disposition. I just wanted her to jump right into my arms. That was my prize. No trophy or spot at number one. It was her.


I couldn't help it. My feet carried me. I bolted down the stairs and down the corridor. The team would be out by the van getting ready to leave. Bursting through the crown I headed towards the van.

You know what,

Fuck it.

"Aone!" I called, I didn't care anymore and I wasn't going to lie to myself anymore.


We were gathering around the van ready to leave, just waiting for a few people when it happened.

"Aone!" It was y/n voice. I turned quickly, surprised and nervous as to why they were calling my name.

Right, when I turned around she was there. I didn't realise she was that close so I put my arms out as if to catch her and in a flash, she was wrapped around me and I around her.

~omg she hugging me~ ~stay calm. calm. calm.~

"Aone you were amazing" She looked up at me arms still wrapped around me. She's beautiful. I know I had thought about this moment but I couldn't actually believe that this was happening. She's so warm and comfortable and she smells amazing. I don't want this to end. I don't want her to let go.

Grumpy Face (Haikyuu Aone X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now