Tension on the Court

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The whistle blow and the second quarter started. Data Tech was able to quickly win the first set. 

"Did you see the way Aone played Itsuki?" Haruto whispered as they both were standing by the net. 

"Yes, he has a totally new form" Itsuki replied.

"I wonder what he's thinking. He might be pushing himself because y/n is here" 

"That's could either win us to the next round or push us over the edge" Itsuki and Haruto glanced at each other anxiously.

"Let's just do our part" Itsuki whispered before they both jumped to block.

------ Time Skip ------ End of second quarter ------


~Aone was playing so well at the beginning but it seems like he's pushing himself into overdrive. Playing like that isn't sustainable. He's already starting to make stupid mistakes that he wasn't making in the first set or even at practice. Hang in there Aone, I know you can do this but please don't push yourself. ~ 

Going into the second set Kurosono was in the lead. Just like last time, it was only by a few points but in Volleyball it felt more like getting lapped or pushed under a giant wave. 

"Gosh Aone is so tense, HEY LOOSEN UP!" Yua shouted from beside me.

"Yikes Yua can you warn me before you shout, my ears are ringing" 

"Sorry, y/n. But can you see it can't you, why is he so tense?" Yua asked, looking cautiously down at the court. 

"I don't know but I just hope that he can shrug it off" ~come one Aone, you got this. I believe in you~


~Shit. Shit. Shit. Their gonna take the second set! Why can't I do better? No matter how much I push myself why can't I find a break?! If they take this set, it will go to the third one for the decider and I don't know how much I can last. I know I'm pushing myself too far but I need to win this. I gotta remember the deal. For you y/n, I will win this for you.~

----- Time Skip ----- End of Third Quarter -----

~They took the second set...~ 

"Aone!" The coach called me out, "You're burning yourself up out there, what's going on? You need to shake those nerves Aone."

I stayed silent. Without even realising it I instinctively looked up at y/n. Standing in the stands with the supporters from the school. 

~Shit, Aone stop staring~


"Don't be sorry Aone just make this third set happen. We can still win this boys."

"Yes, Sir!" 

"Data" The boys shouted before we turned onto our heels and headed back into battle. 

~ I'm sorry y/n. I will try my hardest, even if I destroy myself in the process. I will do anything, for you y/n. I love you.~ 

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